如何越狱iOS 9.3.5! (任何32位设备)

这只是一个快速教程,说明如何越狱仍运行iOS 9.3.5-的旧32位设备,例如iPhone 4S,iPad 2,iPad Mini和iPod 5!即将推出的是有关从iOS 9降级到iOS 8的教程,因此请确保对此保持关注!

Cydia Impactor:http://www.cydiaimpactor.com/

社交媒体(@ 91_Tech)


  1. For the people with the Error 173:

    The error message will ask you to sign in with an app-specific password:

    1. From your web browser go to Appleid.apple.com and sign in with your ID

    2. Verify your ID on Two-Factor authentication

    3. Go to Security > Generate Passwords

    4. Type a label in that relates to the app you are trying to download

    5. Click on Create, and a password will be generated

    6. Copy it and use it with your Apple ID for the app in Cydia Impactor

  2. Mom has a iPad 2 – 9.3.5 that got updated also and it's slow and unbearable now to use. Which IOs is best to use and stay in for iPad 2? thanks

  3. I tried doing this on my iPad Mini and got this after entering my Apple ID and password:
    Peer certificate cannot be authenticated with given CA certificates
    SSL certificate problem: self signed certificate in certificate chain"
    This error occurs on the "listTeams" file.

  4. so i forgot to turn off find my ipad, before i did the break, i followed the instructions but just forgot to turn that off so now the jailbreack didnt work first time and the wifi is greyed out on the ipad, i cant restore it unless i dissble find my ipad, i tried reseting network settings but the ipad gets stuck at boot logo, some please help me i am stuck

  5. I accidentally deleted Cydia FROM CYDIA I guess I accidentally downloaded some kind of tweak and the way my apps looked annoyed me and I deleted the wrong file from Cydia now even if I reset it and rejailbreak Cydia doesnt install please help

  6. When I press on ok after I entered in my password I got an error: http-win.cpp:159
    peer certificate cannot be authenticated with given CA certificates SSL certificate problem: unable to get local issuer certificate
    Help is very much appreciated. It's an iPhone 4s

  7. I RECOMMEND TO PIN THIS: Phoenix Supported devices: iPhone 4S, iPhone 5, iPhone 5C, iPod touch 5, iPad 2, iPad 3, iPad 4, iPad mini 1. iOS 8.4.1 downgrade supported devices: iPhone 4S, iPod touch 5, iPad 2, iPad 3, iPad mini 1. iOS 6.1.3 downgrade supported devices: iPhone 4S and iPad 2.

  8. Hi, is there anyway off downgrading an iOS 10.3.2 iPhone 6s Plus to iOS 9.3.3 or 9.3.5? The reason why I want to do this is because I really hate the new emojis, or do you know any way to get the iOS 9 style emojis on iOS 10? Thank you, keep up the vids???

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