
该视频将向您展示根植Motorola Photon 4G的最新,最简单的方法!如果您使用的是Android 2.3.4或Android 2.3.5,则此方法有效。如果您有任何疑问,请告诉我!



http; // www.qbking77.com


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一点点帮助! 。

  1. I tested several Root methods with applications on my computer or mobile phone and were not effective. That's the only method that worked perfectly !!!
    Congratulations!!! Can make it work !!!
    Thank you so much!!!

  2. you are the bomb sir. cheers! worked flawlessly, if i wasnt such a broke ass i'd be inclined to kick some change your way dude. Do you take Bit coin? cause we got plenty of that. ha! seriously thanks man. megamega

  3. Just in case someone is having trouble getting error  "adb" is not a valid command bla bla, DONT EXECUTE IT AS ADMINISTRATOR, i'm used to the idea all these CMD commands should be run as but well, not in this case

  4. Your links for the drivers takes me to a porno site dude… Also I'm having a problem trying to get the ABD driver installed onto my 64 bit computer

  5. I have a brand new STOCK motorola photon 4g 2.3.4 with a sprint loaded from the manufacturer (Though I don't have a plan with Sprint). I have a Solavei sim card and want to be able to use that sim card (or any, when i'm traveling abroad) as the phone carrier. How do I do this without messing up the phone? I don't know if I need to unlock bootloader, but may just need to 'root' the phone? or deblur/debloat the phone? I know I definite don't want to brick my device. I simply want to be able to use internet in order to install Whatsapp and Instagram (possibly facebook).

    Needing HHEELLPP!!

  6. cant to put a video of since 4.1 to put android in the same model of cellular please, thousand graces for this video that to be root , sorry for my tex. im from monterrey mexico  

  7. Thank you king, your guides are always top notch.
    Works great, on 2.3.5. I'm really hoping there is a method for getting custom rom on this thing though…My epic finally died and gotta use this but no fecking way i'm running this stock rom!

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