减速以加快速度。由Patrick Dempsey执导的电影。

看看帕特里克·登普西(Patrick Dempsey)最近是如何回到国际汽联WEC 6h富士站的,他在2015年获得了第一名。在此视频中,赛马场教了他些什么。了解更多:http://por.sc/UP5PU9。

  1. If you want to feel some good racing vibes, the song is "Violent Delights by We are all astronauts."
    I imagined this song in the Nurburing map record set my Porsche in a cinematic shot before the he crossed the finish line.

  2. Usually said slow down to go faster. Meaning one, when you go in too fast you wind up sideways scrubbing off speed, so you actually come out the turn faster by going in slower. And two, no matter how fast your car you can always think faster, but you have to be right there with the car to respond to what it is doing, so to be truly one with the car you have to slow your mind down. But Porsche is not about to go giving away useful advice like that. So instead we get this intercut shaky cam Zen BS. Oh well. But it could be so much more.

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