
死侍奇迹拖车复活节彩蛋。 Marvel Deadpool 3,Deadpool TOP 5故事,Deadpool 3 Ryan Reynolds剪辑和Marvel Phase 4 Deadpool 3预告片►https://bit.ly/AwesomeSubscribe

涵盖新的Marvel Deadpool预告片,视频游戏交叉事件。 Deadpool 3 Marvel公告,Marvel 4期Deadpool 3 Teaser。最佳5死侍电影故事,瑞安·雷诺兹(Ryan Reynolds)漫威5期故事。

复仇者联盟5未来跨界改动。 R额定死池与MCU死池问题。蜘蛛侠和死侍。我们在视频中介绍了Deadpool 3发布日期的时间表。但是到目前为止,Ryan Reynolds和Kevin Feige似乎一切都很好!随着我们获得更多详细信息,我将做更多的Deadpool MCU视频!


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  1. I think it would be really cool to see Deadpool try and fight all the Avengers for some reason. It would be cool to see him win IF it were an illusion, like something makes him think he's in a comic book so he fights all the Avengers but really it's all fake and when he wakes up he realizes that some of the Avengers he fought aren't even alive anymore and that Shield is actually taking care of him while he was resting/after he was attacked and brainwashed to think he was in a comic book. I know there's comics where he kills the Avengers and Deadpool so I personally would love to see them incoporate that in there somewhere.

  2. Dude, why do you exaggerate in your reviews? He didn't say anything about the toilet paper being an endangered species nor is it a reference. This is your perspective on it, so keep it out of the truth.

  3. They need to make deadpool more crazy. Also, if they introduce Doom into the MCU, I sure as shit hope they make him like a mix between Iron-man and deadpool. Extremely arrogant, extremely smart, thinks out everything, extremely powerful and just acts like a giant douche. And i hope they dont kill him off as he is such a great villan.

  4. n00bmaster visits New Asgard to start the movie. Asgardians (Valkyrie? or some version of the Warriors Three?) recognize his talents and include him in an adventure.

  5. They´re not doing Deadpool rated R in his standalone movies and Deadpool pg 12 in his MCU movies, thats not how the brand Disney works, that brand its build on trust so forget that, you can´t have it both ways.

  6. What is this Deadpool 3 movie going to be about, How will he crossover to the MCU? Is this movie going to explain how the X-Men and their Mutant kind will appear in the MCU? Which all MCU characters are we going to see in this movie? Are we going to get more comic relief and pop culture references? Why would Dr Doom be the main villain of the Black Panther movie instead of Namor? When is this movie going to take place?

  7. I think it would be better to see Deadpool killing all the xmen present in fox universe and causing the whole thing to get a nice reboot and starting from the zero in the real MCU. Weird but I think it can work.

  8. Question @emergency Awesome, is there a video about every artifact that is guarded by strange and the other wizards? I just recently rewatched Dr. Strange and they kept showing all these artifacts that I have no idea about, could any be leads or easter eggs to future movies?

  9. Deadpool 3 looks to be epic and my favorite easter egg was in Deadpool 2 was when they had in look like he was in his grey X-Force costume.

  10. Until you know DP3 is R rated I wouldn't quote that. As a business they want DP on D+, so think about the bigger picture. Until its confirmed im not convinced, otherwise why test the crowd with once upon a deadpool

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