使用MSCONFIG加速Windows 10

使用Microsoft的系统配置工具(也称为msconfig.exe,经典工具)加快Windows 10 PC或笔记本电脑的速度!
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  1. PLZ PLZ ANSWER ok so i put on safe boot and clicked in mimal so then my pc when into the boot screen so then i put in my password and it was correct but it said that my password was inccorect please help me i cant get locked out of my computer

  2. I have a problem and I was hoping you could fix it. I tried lowering my number of processors in the boot tab, and when I restarted my computer, I wasn't able to bring it back up. Any idea?

  3. How come when I did this and changed my cores I have maximum 16 and I tested what my frames whould be when I put my maximum on 4 and now I can’t bring it back up and now my cpu usage is always at 100% and I can’t game someone pls help

  4. The blue screen of death is fixable search up on "bad system configutlration fix" the cause of the problem is the ram memory suddenly goes to zero

  5. i have a question how fix the This device cannot start. (Code 10) when i was using win7 before i would mount hard drives in to a folder as i had too many hard drives in my PC over 30 and i had to mount drives in to a stack on NTFS drive, now i am using win 10 i can still do this but some drives ssd, usb, other drives plug in to a PCI-e controller card, come up with this (This device cannot start. (Code 10)) and i just cant find a why to fix it hope you can help

  6. Greetings Mike. I really like the manner in which you explain everything and make is plain and simple. I just have a question for you: which program do you use which shows you and your screen at the same time? Thank you in advance 🙂

  7. I need more details as to what to turn off, i.e., what and what isn't safe to turn off. I guess I will try and figure it out from here. Thanks anyways.

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