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XBL Gamertag- MOH废话

  1. Didn't watch a single second as I don't want to give you a view… I came to see the comments and likes to dislikes ratio and am not shocked to see everyone saying your talking shite. Why or how anyone even bothers with this moron is beyond me ??‍♂️

  2. Resident Evil 3 just got it's patch on One X and is now, once again, the better version over PS4 Protato. The performance delta is even wider with Series X. Keep dreaming that devs won't use the resources. Delusional Sony Zealots.

  3. If sony make two wersions of ps5 and the pro wersion if it be more tflop than xbox than it will be godbye microsoft it would be a 100% win for sony!

  4. I find it hilarious that xbox fanboys are hating on this guy for the exact same type of videos during the last generation all in favor of Xbox. You all defended him and loves those videos back then!!! LMFAO. I'm just happy the Xbox fan boys crawled out of their basements

  5. Cyberpunk 2077 will be playable immediately when released on Microsoft Xbox Series X. Smart Delivery is the Xbox ultimate advantage over PS5…. developers can easily develop games for Xbox. Sony can't do the same for PS5 because developing PS5 games is more difficult

  6. Crap I'm sorry to say but if you truly dislike Xbox you wouldn't always be playing on the system in your vids like I still scratch my head on that but yeah dual sense has more internet breaking then the entire jengabox series X reveal and that's just sad the console reveal will be even bigger then the controller itself with even more talk which is not surprising considering ps is just that good and that big

  7. I'm hoping the controller increased thickness will be more like a Xbox controller comfort wise right now I went out and purchased the 200.00 AstroC40 controller. Once you setup the astro controller like the Xbox controller you forget about playing on the Xbox one thing that kept me playing on Xbox was the controller was not comfortable right now the A40 is a real game changer for anybody who is coming from a Xbox to the ps4 as their main game console.

  8. As good and amazing the PS5 controller is, it's not going to be as comfortable as the series x controller, just wait until people review the controllers, the PS5 controller has weird chunky areas and the bumpers and triggers are still miles better for comfort and practically on the series x controller, the xbox controller is simply for just standard gaming where as the PS5 has gimmicky features which doesn't not add to gameplay it only adds to the feel more than anything else.

  9. Again crapgamer shows himself to be a fan boy pleb. Dual sense reveals to great success???? Its about as mixed reviews as you can get from most publications obviously, accept from you. Also you ignore all the developers that say series x is more powerful (not that it matters)

  10. for the people who told me that he wasn't buying views LOL I absolutely love how during a pandemic everybody is at home and he can't break 2000 views. And he's on Twitter begging for final fantasy 7. I rest my case you viewbotting piece of shit!

  11. These are hard times Crap, here are a few videos ideas to get you inspired for youtube :

    – "The most impossible news that change everything! PC is dead!" – Talk about usb port on the console that allow keyboard and mouse
    – "Microsoft just confused everyone! Xbox will have no games at launch!" – Invent some stuff, like Phil Spencer said Xbox will have AAA but he meant the batteries in the controller
    – "WOW! More than just a console, PS actually help scientists solving the mysteries of space! – Talk about some random guy at NASA that has a PS4 at home

  12. Forget raytracing, forget advanced graphics, lighting and sound design, forget high resolution and refresh rate, forget VR…

    if you want a REAL IMMERSIVE EXPERIENCE get a vibrating controller pad

  13. The CrapGamer: "And sad to say, I cancelled my Quantum Break pre-order as I said I would. You weren't up front on QB going to PC."

    Phil Spencer: "You cancelled a pre-order for a game you want to play because someone else get's to play the game on Windows?"

    Phil Spencer vs CrapGamer: 1-0


    The CrapGamer: "Exclusives sell console's. Any questions?"

    Mike Ybarra: "Economic wise, for my profile it's better for Xbox if I'm a Game Pass subscriber (which I will be for PC) vs. buying their console. I know that sounds weird, but it's accurate. The Game Pass strategy is very smart. Who cares where you play, as long as you play in Xbox's world."

    The CrapGamer: "I think you're confused. I literally said exclusives are a reason to buy hardware. Which he admitted. Then he went on a Game Pass detour, which is fine but had nothing to do with my point at all."

    Mike Ybarra: "You really missed the entire point. But w/e – done with thread. Can't hit my head against a wall too many times in one day."

    Mike Ybarra vs CrapGamer: 1-0


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