杨安德|病毒会加快对杨的警告|伯尼(Bernie)赞同乔·拜登(Joe Biden)

杨安德|病毒会加快对杨的警告|伯尼(Bernie)赞同乔·拜登(Joe Biden)
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 #Yang2024 #TrumpMeltdown #SaveFauci#Biden2020 #TimesUpBiden #DemocratParty #EmergencyUBI #HumanityForward #YangGangForLife #ThankYouYang #MATH #yanggang #andrewyang #Freedividend #UBI #HumanityFirst


进步的团体和激进主义者已经对拜登将桑德斯的追随者纳入其中的程度表示怀疑。 。

  1. The old sense of normal was artificially induced. The new normal is living in the world as it is and taking more precautions to keep every one safe which is a very foreign concept for the shelter-nauts. Please plant beans and lettuce, they are easy to grow and could save your life when the shelves truly go bare, not this fun test run we are currently observing. Take care of self and other. Every one is needed and I thank those who step up and try to save a life.

  2. I'm 100% Writing-In Andrew Yang. And, the more Write-Ins Andrew Yang gets the more power the Yang Gang will have. As far as the worry the Supreme Courts will be stacked with bad judges goes. A Yang Gang Congress sets term limits on the Supreme Court. Let the Supreme Court go off the rails and we'll just see how long or how well that sets with everyday people. Besides, if Democrats are really worried about the supreme court then perhaps they should stop approving and voting for judges they say they don't like. Or maybe keep their fingers off the scale during the Primaries.

  3. As of right now, no one has my vote. If he (Trump) somehow proves between now and November he's really a part of Q Anon then I may vote for him. Otherwise, I'm not doing the lesser of two evils.

  4. I have a suggestion, what if we write in who earned our vote. Trump will win, but if we are trying to send a message then let's do it! What're your thoughts on this? No one controls Trump, but the establishment and the MIC will control Biden. #yanggang

  5. What I think is bad is how well the establishment has tricked us into thinking there's nothing we can do.
    We're the opposite of powerless. We have grit, strength and frankly, hutspa. EVERYONE CAN SEE that Biden is in cognitive decline. We do NOT have to settle for him like they've trained us to do.
    People are desperate and afraid and it's becoming more and more clear on teams red and blue with how horrifying the virus is going to be on our country if we don't act.
    We NEED Yang right now. And as soon as everyone hears his plans, they're going to push him A-politically. It's either Tulsi or Yang now. We are NOT helpless.
    Also you should stop listening to Kyle. He's….. erm.

  6. God I ? You RML!
    Go Ahead Burn the F?ckn House Down CLOWN ? I ??? this ? If we all caved in & voted blue no matter who the DNC will stay corrupt and the media will stay bought & influenced, if you want real change than vote your conscience.
    #StillVotingYang ?
    #YangWasRight ?
    #CorruptDNC ?
    Don't get mad at me for my Voting decisions get mad at the corruption.
    I am thoroughly disgusted how @AndrewYang and @TulsiGabbard were treated this was not Democracy that played out and still many Americans are going to fall in line like f?cking sheep. Thanks for letting me vent???
    PEACE ✌

  7. You never know who is a carrier that is dominant these people here, I am scared of. Trump don't care he his a bug for the Banks to get back in place. Newsflash the people have the power, do you see them trying to get the big Companies with money back to work. The power people, you are the Economy and they need you to buy so they can make money. But why don't they do like they used to do or still do, continue to make money and give it to the Bank when they get low. Stay home and take care of your family the Government is supposed to help you in a Emergency, it's not the other way around. I know this is harsh but nobody's is going to give you a new family if you kill them.?

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