


-使用Google Meet进行实时课程:https://youtu.be/Msk-XK2W0Jw
约翰·索瓦什(John R. Sowash)是前HS生物学老师和校长,他帮助老师使用技术来改进教学。您可以拿起他的书的副本,阅读他的博客,或邀请他来参观您的学校。

  1. I want to thank you for your excellent videos on Google Classroom. Your pacing and clear explanations have made it possible for me to learn this platform from scratch. If you have any suggestions on how to effectively test my students remotely through Google Classroom (what to do, what not to do, multiple choice v. free response), I would be most appreciative. I realize test security will be limited and, as a math teacher, the kids will need to do work by hand before sending it back to me (for free response). I watched your video where you mentioned a feature through Chromebooks; however, our district does not use these devices. Thanks again!

  2. Thanks – this was helpful – I especially wish I had put everyone into one section, but that will have to be next time (if there is a next time).

  3. Hi! How come when I create a topic in classwork it is not showing up on my stream? Can only students see it, and I can not? I am going for the clean look that you have in your classroom and organizing assignments by topic.

  4. When I type in week 1 it shows up perfectly but then I type in assignments for week 2 and it places it on top of week 1. How do I move that assignment so they stack under one another rather than on top? Thanks

  5. Hi there- In Google Meet – Is there a way to see your presentation and see your students at the same time? This way while I am presenting, I can "call" on students to answer?

    Or do I just need to keep clicking back and forth between the tabs of my presentation and my "Meet"?

  6. I wish Google Classroom will show the full date (such as Friday, April 3 instead of just “Apr 3”). It helps students identify which days of the week the assignments are due. Hope there is an option to display the full dates. ????

  7. Thank you! I ran into issues sorting my work by units, but your time-based method is much more elegant and use-friendly for students 🙂

  8. Hello, your videos are so helpful! One thing I haven't figured out and I can't find info on anywhere. After a google document is annotated with notes in the sidebar. How do you share that with students WITH the highlighting and notes?? Every way I try, the students get the unmarked copy. Thank you for any help you can give! It would be appreciated!!

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