无尽的地牢-让哈巴狗预告片-Nintendo Switch

Ayairi Whairydd在崭新的预告片中突围而出,揭示了《无尽》主机发行日期的地下城! SEGA和Amplitude Studios与Playdigious合作,于5月15日在Nintendo Switch上改编并发布了广受好评的塔防地下城地牢!

现在可以在Nintendo Switch上打开预购,以享受20%的折扣,或者通过Merge Games预购零售和签名版!

第一次,您将能够从选择屏幕的开始处直接选择哈巴狗Ayairi Whairydd!


#DungeonOfTheEndless #NintendoSwitch

订阅更多任天堂的乐趣! https://goo.gl/HYYsot

访问Nintendo.com以获得最新信息! http://www.nintendo.com/


  1. I'm not sure why I'm typing this comment on this kind of video but : Nintendo PLEASE let waluigi free from the assist trophies because you barely give waluigi some love so please put him in smash and you need to show some love to ya boy waluigi by making him a playable character in smash

  2. Nintendo you could create my account again today if you can

    or if you can't do that then you can at least tell me how to restore the account in a month For wii u please the name from my old account is Bluedeniz04

  3. Hola soy de España me gustaría que para la próxima actualización pongáis que si yo estoy jugando al FIFA y mi amigo al fortinite que podamos hablar si lo ponéis yo creo que la switch explotaría en todo el mundo espero que lo pongáis y adioos

  4. They should create a Super Mario party for Android and iPhone as it is a well-known game that is simple to play but strategic and an online version and a campaign to carry a story.

  5. Deberían crear un Súper Mario party para android y iPhone ya que es un juego demasiado conocido que sea simple al jugar pero estratégico y versión en línea y una campaña para llevar una historia

  6. hi um i was wondering how i could change me email from Nintendo e shop because i forgot my password and i dont know my password pls help me

  7. Nintendo how do you fix your nintendo switch blue screen and I have not played on my nintendo switch plzz make a vid about how to fix it ?????

  8. This is so off topic of this but Nintendo. Quick play was a mistake getting to Elite Smash is so not worth it and it took me months from the start of Smash’s release to present day and I’m at 6,509,301 GSP and I’m still not in Elite Smash. They could just make a limit to where you just get to 6,000,000 or higher you automatically get into Elite Smash like come on Nintendo. I don’t hate Nintendo or the game but really wth is up with quick play.

  9. anyone know when they’ll restock the switches? with the corona and all, you would think they’d tell us an estimation of when they’re dropping again. cause know one in their right mind would but it for 500+ on amazon etc

  10. dear nintendo plz for mario 35 th we need a new mario game that combine the power ups from super mario world and less from the oddesy world no trunsfomaions plz make a new mario game 3d
    with power ups like the original

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