
查看XCOM:Chimera Squad的预告片。

欢迎来到31号城市,这是地球上新生命的灯塔城市-在战后脆弱的和平时期,人类,外星人和杂种生物现在并存。危险的阴谋团体威胁要破坏这一和平,因此,Chimera Squad已被动员进行调查并制止这些威胁。

XCOM:Chimera Squad将于2020年4月24日通过Steam通过PC到达。


  1. Dope! I love how this takes place after xcom 2, and now we get to see the aftermath of the war! I won’t lie, seeing a task force of humans and aliens fighting together was NOT what I was thinking.

  2. This reveal trailer is hard to watch because of the art style that features Chromatic Aberration at its core. It's like the old tri-color 3D games and movies when you don't wear 3D glasses…

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