
杰克逊·普罗斯科夫(Jackson Proskow)报告了美国政府新的大流行预测,揭示了今年夏天可能导致COVID-19病例激增的原因。另外,雷德蒙德·香农(Redmond Shannon)研究了英国和法国的危机在如何恶化,因为意大利和西班牙的希望迹象显现。


#CoronavirusOutbreak #GlobalNews#COVID-19Outbreak。

  1. NY has 30k new cases a day not 10k, dont let the news lie to you. 30k new cases a day and 2k deaths a day for the last week straight! the numbers would be higher if people could get tested!

  2. I wonder when we, the people, will change the terminology and start calling this virus for what it should be called – the CCP Corona virus. Media needs to jump on board.

  3. Hmm… the liberals solution is always more taxes and more immigration. Have they considered raising taxes and immigrating more people to solve this?
    Or is justin trudeau going to continue to blame Trump and bicker about drywall masks as a solution?

  4. Why is it the total death (from all causes) is 10% to 15% less this year, than at this same time, in the past four years. According to the CDC. ???

  5. China needs to pay for what they have done. It's no coincidence that they were able to stop the virus spreading to its major cities Shanghai, Beijing and Shenzhen but they were not able to prevent it spreading overseas? International commercial flights continued operating as usual even during their famous "lock down". They let their virus spread intentionally.

  6. They found a solution for the Corona long problem, longs stay healty if you do this, Nobody needs to i.c. Test is so promissing they would not wait publis becourse live that can saved, no time to lose. Radboud Nijmegen, cure ACE2 fails bradykinine solve with icatibant.

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