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  1. Now I wanna now what kind said in Chinese I only understood friend (s) and whta hobi said in Spanish bc I didn't understand a word although I had Spanish for 4 f*cking years lol

  2. ok y’all, what she did was wrong, and you have every single right to call her out on it. however, i think she understands that what she did was wrong so there’s no point in hating her so much, please just be respectful because hating on her won’t change what she did and she’s already acknowledged it so hating won’t change anything except make her feel really bad ?

  3. I love how JiKook was such a big focus, personality I don’t ship any of them in a gay way but it was so funny how it reminded me of typical high school drama when someone likes someone else but they keep getting friendzoned???

  4. namjoon: why did i sign that damn contract again?
    "my name is chimchimtrash and i approve this message"
    does jungkook have a girlfriend?
    jimin: no and hes not looking for one
    my fav lines so far XD <3

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