
欢迎来到31号城市,这是地球上新生命的灯塔城市-在战后脆弱的和平时期,人类,外星人和杂种生物现在并存。危险的阴谋团体威胁要破坏这一和平,因此,Chimera Squad已被动员进行调查并制止这些威胁。

查看官方的Game Reveal Trailer,以发现XCOM:Chimera Squad,并订阅XCOM频道以获取更多游戏视频和新特工的简介。




经过多年的外星人统治,人类赢得了地球战争。但是,当霸王逃离地球时,他们将前士兵抛在了身后。现在,在XCOM 2事件发生五年之后,人类和外星人正在共同努力,打造合作与共存的文明。

欢迎来到31号城市,这是后入侵世界的和平典范。但是,并非所有地球居民都支持种间联盟。 Chimera小队是一支由人类和外星特工组成的精锐部队,必须共同努力,摧毁将城市逼入混乱局面的地下威胁。


带领Chimera Squad通过XCOM的回合制遗留物创新经验,利用策略,团队合作和新的突破口和清晰的游戏玩法来完成您的任务目标。


#XCOM #ChimeraSquad。

  1. Great news hearing this unexpected game exists and will be released really soon. I just hope it's not very short judging by the 20 euro full price.

  2. If this is just a prologue to the XCOM 3 timeline it should be cheaper or even free. It looks like a lot of reused assets of XCOM 2. Also their squad motto is "Diversity is our strength", cringe.

  3. Alien dude: Thank me for saving you
    Her: I won't, have a sassy promise instead
    Her: saves the alien
    Her: You can thank me later
    This trailer told me nothing about the game, aside that I hate this character.

  4. this looks dreadful, i'd get it if they went for the middle of xcom and xcom 2, but… now it's no longer human v alien, it's human + alien + mutant + anything else v alien.

    i mean i've seen xcom dumbed down before, but … they went all out american tv show on this one

  5. PLEASE tell me you are going to include coop multiplayer… Looking great but I have been wanting coop multiplayer from the 1st day I played XCOM 2

  6. Looks really good, but I just don't get it.
    I mean, XCOM 1 is protecting earth from aliens. XCOM 2 is liberating earth from aliens. What's this 1? Who are we fighting, actually? Racists? EXALT? The resistance cells who didn't know the war is over? What's the deal with this 1?

  7. You eat all the shit that they give you. This is not a game, but a piece of shit. It would be better if they did
    X-COM: Terror From The Deep, but you are ready as idiots to applaud everything that you are idiots fed and rejoice like children to any shit that they stick in you and are also ready to pay for shit.

  8. No costumization is a dealbreaker for me, personally. Too bad, would be a fun take on it. Having my own narrative with my suqadmember was 75% of the charm of xcom2.

  9. Nice to see the series branch out and try something experimental again, rather than just going on to XCOM 3. The series was previously known for being radically experimental in the past, for better or for worse, so this looks like a worthy little experiment. Also, assuming the liberated Vipers haven't genetically engineered males for their species in the 5 years since XCOM 2, we are apparently getting a snek waifu!

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