Arma 3 Apex:老人-发行预告片

立即退出-返回塔努阿,并在全新的开放世界单人游戏场景中扮演退伍军团士兵的角色。 Arma 3 Apex:对于拥有Arma 3 Apex扩展的每个人,“老人”都是免费的奖励方案。更多信息:

特价(4月14日至21日)-Arma 3,Arma 3 Apex和DLC节省高达70%:

如何玩Arma 3 Apex:老人场景?
如果您已经拥有Arma 3和Arma 3 Apex扩展,则只需在Steam上下载最新的Arma 3更新(1.98)。然后,启动游戏,在主菜单中转到SINGLEPLAYER,单击SCENARIOS,然后选择“ Old Man”。

如果您在Steam Workshop上订阅了“ Old Man”测试版,请务必退订并重新启动该方案,以避免潜在的兼容性问题。

关于Arma 3 Apex:老人
在Arma 3“东风”和“最高议定书”运动之后,南太平洋岛国塔努阿遭受了又一次人道主义危机的打击;疟疾爆发。当当局未能分发有效疫苗时,将向当地退伍军人提示可能的阴谋,并着手揭露真相。

关于Arma 3
在大型军事沙盒中体验真正的战斗游戏。真实,多样,开放– Arma 3将您带入战争。



  1. It be nice to get a DLC campaign about the British before the East Wind campaign. This could be a good chance to add some British troops with their own uniform, weapon, and vehicles.

  2. Ouah, les français un accent a chier c'est sur mais la quand même…
    PS: les sous-titres français… Ne sont pas en français

    French people have a really bad accent for sure but still…
    PS : french subtitles are not french…

  3. Man its such a great scenario. But playing it, its still buggy. Missions break, and soon camps and everything except AI stop spawning. Hopefully they will keep working on it, because it sucks to get 8 hours of progress in only for everything to bug out like that.

  4. Patch arma 3 to the new engine used for dayz plesse, or arma4 new engine. I saw what that did for dayz. Please, id love u guys to bring a new crisp engine to this franchise.

  5. Big F to those who were in the middle of a playthrough.
    About to see if I can still rush to airfield for a free Tigris
    I crashed into a tree and killed Arthur in the very beginning.

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