
在媒体暴民继续撒谎的同时,美国必须继续专注于击败冠状病毒,并找到安全重新开放经济的方法。 #FoxNews#汉妮

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订阅福克斯新闻! https://bit.ly/2vBUvAS

Bret Baier的特别报道:http://video.foxnews.com/playlist/longform-special-report/
玛莎·麦卡勒姆(Martha MacCallum)的故事:http://video.foxnews.com/playlist/longform-the-story-with-martha-maccallum/
英格拉姆角(Ingraham Angle):http://video.foxnews.com/playlist/longform-the-ingraham-angle/

  1. Presidents get the blame for things that happen during their administration whether they had any control or not…. goes with the job. I can't imagine Biden or yet another leftist clown running the country after 16-years of Clinton/Obama, but COVID-19 has axed the President's chances for re-election in November. And, he did most of that to himself. The virus should have been stopped on the West Coast when it first appeared through aggressive testing, contact sourcing and quarantine. But, Washington failed miserably and only after it got out of hand tossed the hot potato in the laps of the states (the "street corner" remark). Then the funding cut on WHO without ever giving a concrete reason; something about we pay more money than China to have the WHO be "pro-China". Trump will say one thing last week and then contradict himself this week on things like "testing for everyone" "coronavirus not a threat to America", etc. times a dozen or more.Bad times for us all from different directions. Even Hannity can't talk the President out of this one.

  2. As a Democrat get these people back to work with the infrastrucure project new monies new jobs new businesses new taxes and don't give one more penny who or the un

  3. I wish Fox news would just go back to unbiased reporting. They flip flop more than trump himself. Every other day they are for and against. It's so hard to take anything they say seriously when they pick and choose what they report, how they report it and what they report on. Sad really.

  4. I wonder how long this video will stay online until Faux News decides to delete it again (like they do regularly in recent days), once they realize the backlash. And congratulations on the top spot in infections and fatalities, no other Country can keep up with your great "perfect" job at containing this. Gone like a miracle eh?

  5. Fantastic Hannity! You encouraged all the people who are involved of saving this great nation called the USA from the leftist preditors who did not contribute in any positive way and cowardly wasted their time to criticize and humiliate the people who took decisions at the moment they had to be taken.

  6. Hannity is Fake News for sure. What did trump do in February? Called it a hoax. What a loser. Biggest loser ever. Now he’s delaying stimulus checks so he can put his signature on them.

  7. Hannity is a lying idiot. Anybody that thinks Trump has done a good job during this Corona Virus needs their head examined. Grocery stores have no food, tens of thousands of American are dead and the US has the highest infection rate of any country on the planet. Yes….Tell me how good Trump is again please..??..?? Stop believing this propaganda. This is not the republican party I belong to. I don't even recognize it anymore. The stupidity being spouted by people with microphones is profound. Don't believe them. They are doing us no favors. Mitt Romney… PLEASE COME BACK!!

  8. The thing is this: the virus isn't going to magically disappear. Once we open the doors, it will hit again in a big way. The answer is NOT quarantine. The answer is, put on your big boy/girl pants and face this thing. Hiding from the virus isn't going to do a damned thing.
    Yes, it is terrible that people will die. Protection of the most vulnerable is important, but the rest of us need to get back to work, get exposed, and start developing natural immunity.
    Finally, while so many of you are sitting in your houses eating junk food by the truckload, you are weakening your immune systems. Good luck once this starts again.

  9. You guys from Fox change your tune more than a piano you were all on board saying it was a hoax All fake it will disappear in April does it look like it’s disappearing?

  10. Have POTUS postpone the Election and watch how fast the COVID-19 crisis goes away! That will get their attention! I wrote to President Trump on the White House website with this amusing idea. ???
    It was so easy to take our rights away, pen us up like cattle in our homes…and not a shot was fired! They will NOT FORGET HOW EASY IT WAS!
    "For every Patriot martyr who goes down, a thousand more will rise up!"- me 4/10/20. WWG1WGA

  11. Anyone who believes in the reality of this dog and pony show needs serious help to wake up and see the real-deal. We need to demand the truth, but it wouldn't get us very far, unfortunately. I wish we had another planet somewhere to escape too. I would be on the first shipment out.

  12. Pansy Hannity learns a new word: Chinacentric! That makes seven words total! Should just give him a GED. He deserves it. Meanwhile: TRUMP TO LOSE WISCONSIN: and LOL that Loser Robin Vos wearing a haz mat suit, no less, forcing the vote in a pandemic hoping the dems wouldn’t show up. The Nation is laugh8ng at Vos. Republicans won’t win anything anymore. SUCKER! THE DEMS WON WON WON!!!! HAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!

  13. It seems the quality and quantity of facts coming from the news outlets is inversely proportional to the severity of the reporter's case of TDS. Fox and BBC (go figure) are the ONLY networks that have reported any of this.

  14. Do liberal media's dislike Trump tell yeah..buy Sean please at least try to be honest..Fox news mother conservatives networks did committed the same sin as soon as Obama was elected..Rep and democrats are from the same capitol( DC) mafia..

  15. 1) Dr.Fauci owns Patent for GAIN OF FUNCTION ON CORONAVIRUS

  16. Dr Fauci is on the payroll of the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation. His fingerprints are all over this virus working behind the scenes with the Chinese during the Obama Administration. This makes me not have much faith in Sean Hannity hearing him phrase this man.

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