
改编自作家史蒂夫·埃里克森(Steve Erickson)2007年的小说,由詹姆斯·佛朗哥(James Franco)执导(灾难艺术家,《喧Sound与骚动》)。

维卡(Vikar)是迷失的灵魂,穿越着神话,美丽和怪兽之地好莱坞1969。摄影棚系统正在衰落,新一代的傲慢电影制片人正在崛起。 Vikar的剃光头上印有他最喜欢的电影(1951年的《太阳的地方》)上的纹身,即使在梦想家和球员中,Vikar也是一种怪异的存在。他先找到工作的搭建物,然后成为一名徒弟编辑,痴迷于运用动态影像的力量。随着他对创作过程的参与不断加深,他对一个悲剧性的银幕女神Soledad的迷恋也越来越深。他们在一起发现,生活在现实与幻想之间的模糊边界中有多么困难。



  1. The book is mind-blowing but what's up with this movie? I found it by chance… Lots of famous actors and this trailer looks messy.

  2. The book was phenomenal. It's on my shelf. This film. Looks. Like. Shit. It's not supposed to be this weird punkrock comedy – the book is a drama about a cinephile who wrestles with himself and discovers who he is through film. This movie doesn't even look like that at all. I've been waiting for years to see this on the big screen and it gets made into… whatever this is.

  3. Trailer looks absolutely mental, I still have no idea what its about, but I been waiting for this movie for 5 years, I need to watch it

  4. Editing and Sound mixing terrible on this trailer. Graphics awful too. Looks like a straight to DVD movie from the mid 00s. Strange as it has such a good cast.

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