特朗普,白宫冠状病毒特别工作组举行简报| NBC新闻


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特朗普,白宫冠状病毒特别工作组举行简报| NBC新闻。

  1. All the us news channels hate trump im from the uk and i can see what a good president he is trying to be. Despite his flaws he is a very good president and Its outrageous how the treat him

  2. I thought we had reported we had more cases than Italy? And Mike Pence said Philadelphia is next hot spot? How can they talk about reopening? I am confused.

  3. Something true that needs to be said and is really scary when you stop to think about it:

    The President of the United States doesn't understand what's going on right now.

    And the fact is, he can't understand—he's not equipped for it.

    And therefore, he won't understand.

  4. Boy did Pence sold all his hard work for a loser!Dr.Fauci don't have anything to worry about.Dr Fauci is completely honest and that will always win.

  5. Are this Puerto Rico, Northern Mariana Islands and United States Virgin Islands under the USA countries flag?But recorded under covid-19 results tally. Arethe USalready colonised them without the world by published loud enogh. As well the India also trying annexation to Sikkim and Bhutan at northern India? Why the world did not know about it??

  6. If you want to lower deaths….Why don't you outlaw smoking and obesity? Stop chemtrails and poisoning food, water, air. Quit lying to the people doctor….Get rid of bloody Bill Gates and private company CDC. How are hedge funds doing? Open the floodgates: to help biz financial backers and stop people from becoming truthers.

  7. I had to listen to Republican commentator Jan Harper Hayes on Irish radio this morning and she basically said that the US president is not responsible for anything! He blames the press, the Chinese, the WHO, just about everyone else for his very own botching of this, and his supporters back him to the hilt. Listen to the sobering facts for yourselves https://www.rte.ie/radio/radioplayer/html5/#/radio1/21750356 This guy is a psychotic baboon, and his supporters are even scarier. Having lived in Manhattan it's amazing and deeply disappointing to me that this is the best that the American people can come up with.

  8. The very best ,most amazing, and powerful, strong, handsome, you name it and rich yes rich, I have money , dollars that is, I won't show you my tax returns though, just believe me, because I never ever tell a lie, believe me i got a lot of money, like 3-4 Billion and I'm very generous, the most generous, I'm donating $100,000 to the Dept of Health and Human Services, a lot of people don't know that I am a very generous person and very feeling , empathetic you know. Some people say pathetic but that's fake news. I tell you the truth in the form of lies. Believe me when I tell you I will never do you no harm.

  9. Poor people who are eaten by monsters. Only know what the monopoly consortium & political elite & media let you know. But he thinks he lives in a world of freedom of information, and has freedom and democracy.

    Cambridge Research: There are three types of COIVD-19 virus, the first generation is A, the second generation is B, and the third generation is C. The United States has a wide and large presence of A (Australia is also A, but it is mainly imported from the United States), China (including Wuhan) has only B (A is only detected in Americans in Wuhan), and Europe has a wide range of C.

    According to the coefficient of variation, it was also concluded that COIVD-19 should have appeared as early as September last year. (Isn't it a coincidence that the US Army laboratory virus leak closed in August last year, and the United States began a major influenza outbreak and e-cig pneumonia in September)

    From this we can basically confirm where the source of the virus is, but Cambridge did not dare to draw this conclusion, only to say that Wuhan is definitely not the source of the virus, only to say that the United States is more likely.

    Even Type B is unlikely to be mutated in Wuhan, because it requires a large amount of A virus to spread to cause mutation, and Wuhan and even China have no basis for this mutation. It has very few A viruses. The United States has a large number of Asians and has the basis of mutation into B.

    Cambridge research is not unique, and many similar teams have reached similar conclusions, including China, Canada, Japan, and even the Czech Republic.

    Do you know these? The mainstream English media in the world are silent, and ignore it selectively, and there is no report.

    This is freedom. The ruling class has the freedom to conceal, and you only have the freedom to accept the false information created by the garbage.

    Are you surprised that American propaganda has changed during this time? First of all, I will stop talking about the Chinese virus, and then say that the virus was formed naturally, and then say that the virus has existed for a long time, two or three years, or even longer. Because the truth is there, the lies of politicians cannot match science. Of course, the lies of politicians can control the spread of truth. Especially people who are eaten by monsters are almost unaware.

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