不能只选择一个日期并拨动开关,马里兰州州长说| ABC新闻

马里兰州州长拉里·霍根(Larry Hogan)在“本周”接受了采访。

#ABCNews #ThisWeek #Coronavirus#COVID19 #Maryland。

  1. The bottom line is the coronavirus is not a racist it doesn’t attack people based on their race their religion or their income so therefore if it’s high in the black community it’s because they just refuse to follow the CDC’s recommendation. What black people are going through in today’s times is equivalent to black People having the highest number of deaths from aids in the 80s and 90s because they refused to practice safe sex. I conclude the only way the state is going to be able to get a handle on this problem is the shut down any places that black people are attracted to such as any place that sale chicken wings fried rice lemonade and iced tea mix and public transportation.

  2. When you have a good person as governor it does not matter whether you are republican or democrat….The only thing we need is someone who has empathy and work to address issues that are affecting the vulnerable…

  3. Attention Larry Hogan, you are only a Governor stupid. Remember no State law ever supersedes Federal law. And sorry but we elected Trump to run the country.

  4. I'm getting a feeling only governors are truly concerned . Not Congress not your boy Donnie. You can't publicize this as a crisis and then say nevermind lets go back to work.

  5. Spanish flu of 1918 slowed down during the summer but returned in The fall and killed 10 million people. We can't rush this. Impatience could cost us are lives

  6. For a republican, I feel he has done a pretty good job. He is in fact one of a few republican governors that seems to be doing a good job.

  7. The only way we can stop the spread is for the president to declare MARTIAL LAW. as long as there are idiots refusing to stay at home & practice SD guidelines this virus will be with us & millions of lives will be lost. we need to test EVERYBODY. then isolate the ones who test positive. Everyone should be wearing protective masks if they walk outside. this is an airborne virus. STAY HEALTHY !!!?

  8. I hate to think that people of color are apt to get the coronavirus more than anyone. But I wander if that is one of the reasons Trump and the Fed government is so slow to help and leaving it to the governors. Trump is a very prejudice president. 1 percent of Americans have been tested. Hmmmm.

  9. When will our bias media start investigating china ???
    I'm curious !
    If this was Russia the media would cycle the investigation for 3 years.
    What gives !!!
    Disney kiss goodbye to their market and get to the bottom of this virus that originated in china.

  10. Reopen the state already. Mask up and let’s back to life. People are so quick to beg for a longer shutdown and more rights to be taken away. Sheep. Last week Fauci said it on live tv that deaths not caused by covid 19 are being labeled as covid deaths. So if someone died of heart failure and they tested positive got covid they’d consider that a covid death. These numbers are not accurate but of course people are too dumb to question anything. Critical thinking skills are zero.

  11. Please… Let us stop pointing fingers and move forward with caring for each other. Let us start doing what we CAN do for our country, not what our country can do for us. Whether or not you have a strong immunity, social distancing, washing of hands, and wearing of masks are just simple but highly effective ways to contain the virus.

    If you don’t wear a mask and you are infected, you might be asymptomatic and you don’t know you have already passed on the disease to someone who is weak.

    Please.. Let us do our part. ??

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