Google Doodle:识别Ignaz Semmelweis和洗手

今天的Google Doodle可识别Ignaz Semmelweis和洗手液。医生伊格纳斯·塞梅尔维斯(Ignaz Semmelweis)被广泛认为是第一个发现洗手具有医疗益处的人。 Google涂鸦正在显示有关如何正确洗手的视频。 1847年的这一天,伊格纳兹·塞梅尔维斯(Ignaz Semmelweis)被任命为维也纳总医院妇产科诊所的首席住院医师。他证明,要求医生消毒双手可以大大减少疾病的传播。可以提及的是,鉴于全球范围内持续发生的COVID-19危机,今天的Doodle遵循有关如何正确从世界卫生组织洗手的官方指南。



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  1. They made this for a big reason and the cases are getting severe, all of us will have to cooperate and listen to what the government says. COME ON WE CAN DO THIS!!

  2. In 1906, in Budapest, monument was erected on the donation of doctors from all over the world to Semmelweis , on which is written "The Savior of Mothers"

  3. Right so 1400 years ago islam prescribes wash your hands thrice up to the tip of your biggest finger in between fingers under nails and yet you say this man has came up with handwashing no wonder we have always been cleaner than the latter before you steal our ideas

  4. From the new musical "The Sound of Flu Sick" – Semmelweis, Semmelweis, it's so tragic, they beat you
    Wrapped you tight and no light in your jail cell would greet you
    Wash 'em, you said, and though you were right, all your peers said, "Never"
    They were wrong, you were right, Semmelweis lives forever

  5. I’ll let you know I’ll talk to you later I’ll talk to you tomorrow I’ll talk to you later I’ll talk to you tomorrow I’ll talk to you later I’ll talk to you tomorrow I’ll talk about tomorrow talk tomorrow to pick you tomorrow I will pick up tomorrow and then go pick it tomorrow or pick you tomorrow I’ll talk

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