5G是冠状病毒的原因吗? (新冠肺炎)

5G是否会引起冠状病毒?新的COVID-19病毒是由毫米波辐射引起的吗? 5G是否会对健康产生负面影响? 5G是否会改变DNA?在过去的几天里,我看到更多人在我的5G视频中评论这些理论,这是有关这些冠状病毒新闻的全部真相。
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美国歌手凯莉·希尔森(Keri Hilson)周日在Twitter上拥有420万关注者,他发送了几条推文,试图将冠状病毒与5G相关联。她写道:“人们一直在试图警告我们有关5G的年份。请愿,组织,研究……我们要经历的是影响 [sic] 辐射。 5G在中国推出。 2019年11月1日。人们死了。”

这已经被证明为FAKENEWS。请分享此视频,以帮助停止#fakenews。停止“ fakenews”,而不是“ Stop 5G”!


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  1. BREAKING: The Japanese people resisted and objected but were over-ruled – 5G was launched March 23rd https://venturebeat.com/2020/03/23/japans-top-carriers-announce-5g-launches-as-2020-olympics-face-delay/. Now they are reporting an outbreak of you-know-what https://www.zerohedge.com/geopolitical/eu-apologizes-italy-tepid-coronavirus-response-after-global-outbreaks-deadliest-day See the trend on the Worldometer https://www.worldometers.info/coronavirus/country/japan/

  2. When you talk about the full truth, are you including the thousands of Science PHD´s that are warning the UNO about the potential dangres of these radiations? Telecoms invested 0 dollars on studies. Do you have a no conflicting interest Scientific study, on the mid term effects (5 years at least) on the DNA and human body after a 24 hour, day after day exposure? 
    Did you know that cities like Bussels are rejecting these towers?:
    “I cannot welcome such technology if the radiation standards, which must protect the citizen, are not respected, 5G or not,” Fremault said, as reported in The Brussels Times. “The people of Brussels are not guinea pigs whose health I can sell at a profit. We cannot leave anything to doubt.”

  3. 5G is no problem at all, just go to the manufacturers website and see for yourself ?

    BTW Microwave oven 2,450 mhz
    5G 24,000 – 86,000 mhz.
    But yeah totally comparable ?

    Got to love these ultra specialized (compartmentalized) Schmucks.

  4. wow karens are really fucking dumn aint they? they dont wanna vaccinate thier kids, they think a global pandemic is caused by a fucking wifi tower, and then if a vaccine is found for the coronavirus they still wont fucking vaccinate.

  5. With everything goin on everybody needs to wake up and see what the world is really like. to answer your questions yes 5G is what gives u the “coronavirus” . It is literally like a weapon, it’s like microwaving our body’s basically . And from been around it so much it’ll weaken our immune system. And give u corona like symptoms. But ofc nobody would pay attention or know what’s really goin on because there stuck watching and believing ppl like this guy. Our world is not goin to be the same after all this is “over”.

  6. Hi can you do a video explaining the whole bigger battery for your phone thing as I’m seeing higher capacity batteries for phones but are they real

  7. The covid-19 was created by the Zionist elite in the USA , that's why I call them
    United States of Israel , because they are sponsored to make military weapons,
    for world control and to take control of the population and wealth
    from the countries , as well as from the same people in the USA , by the elite !! ,
    see how they treat and cheat with so many lies on the news always
    putting fear in them , giving them bad education to control them , putting
    chemicals in food by monsanto check it out , also making them
    slaves of the banks, paying houses that will never be theirs and if they want
    leave the grid ( area in the city where you must pay water , electricity , rent , etc ,
    to those who don't know ).
    Or there are areas where you are not allowed to make your own
    wells for water , also do not become independent with electricity
    with your solar or wind system , there are already many poor Americans who
    they have to live in their cars in the desert and are controlled with their new
    laws by police departments as if they were the gestapo, who work
    for the elite !! .
    China has the front in 5G , that's why they sent them the virus to
    stop them and create an economic trade destabilization and reduce them
    the population !! .
    The Zionist elite, an arduous enemy for many years behind Catholicism , also
    they sent the virus to Italy, Spain and Iran, the first two for their deep-rooted
    also controlling Catholic religion , that the human being does not see it , but it is
    each one of them and their right to believe what they want , and Iran for
    its Muslim religion , its oil , arms power supported by Russia and
    also its location in the middle east , an area that the elite wants to take over from
    long ago !! .
    Bill gates of course is with the elite , he already spoke about it in 2015 and is part
    of the trade war and the new world globalization , see the foundation (ID 2020)
    that he formed with his wife to sell the virus cure.
    This of the flu pandemic was also discussed by George Buch in 2005,
    of course they already had something on their hands from that time or ask yourself
    is it coincidence ?
    The USA did not count on China sending the virus back and now they don't
    know how to control it , or ask yourself, they agreed to control the population or
    eradicate to the older adult so they don't have to pay for their pensions , which are
    also very expensive in hospitals to keep them alive, being many elite hospitals? .
    About 5G we have to be very vigilant, since there are reports that the
    waves they emit are very strong and can cause cancer according to reports !! .
    We can focus on South Korea , a country that already has 5G working or
    are the scapegoats of the great nations , I leave you homework? .
    USA and China are fighting for the leadership of 5G and many countries want
    get into the game , but remember it's the elite who want control, to
    dominate humanity , they want to remove the currency , for bitcoin , that's how
    they control you with all your information , who you are , where you live , what you eat ,
    how much you owe hospitals , home , car etc etc.
    We humans we should not give them all the power !! The saddest thing is that
    there is humans who are citizens , some deceived and others for money working
    armed for the elite , while the human being worldwide does not unite and
    eradicate this nefarious elite , we will continue as sheep !! .
    With 5G they can control robots , cars , trucks , drones etc , which already
    they are being manufactured , in case people want to rebel against the elite ,
    they can cause an imbalance in the system locomotor of the body, you can also
    get fear, anger or disorientation in the brain and palpitations in the heart ,
    that will be even more control and danger for humanity !! .
    All this is orchestrated by the elite for the new world globalization !!
    Virus crown implanted by the elite = fear , insertion , panic , reduction
    of population , need for care , control of local governments over you ,
    to be checking you and making you believe that you need them !!
    5G = Control of the Zionist elite, over you through information and capital !!

  8. There're many possibilities,
    1, 5G could kill all bacterias in your body sothat the coronavirus can strike in your body,
    2, 5G can cause cancer in a long term,
    Or 5G became completely harmless,even in the very long term,,,

    Personally i absolutely don't believe that 5G caused the coronavirus to strike in,but maybe we will get cancer within 30 or 50 years caused by 5G,but i hope that will not happen.

  9. What are the symptoms?

    The main symptoms of radiation pneumonitis include:

    shortness of breath

    dry cough

    feeling of fullness in your chest

    flu-like symptoms

    These symptoms are very similar to those of both pneumonia and lung cancer. In addition, radiation therapy can cause similar side effects, even in people who don’t develop radiation pneumonitis. As a result, many people ignore these symptoms and don’t get treatment.

  10. Just a few facts for people.
    1. The Corona virus is based on a protein strand that is contracted by physical contact vs a digital virus that can only be transferred via an electronical device.

    2. 5G health risks are not fully tested or confirmed so its untested waters, but again DOES NOT create biological virus's.

    3. 5G is designed (as Steven said) is the next generation of technology. If a fast pase world with connected advises, content streaming. We require more bandwidth and more reliable technologies.

    To some up 5G does not create virus's (biological). #stopfakenews

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