2020年4月发现的可怕Tik Tok视频

可怕的Tik Tok视频发现于2020年4月。今天,我们看一些来自世界各地的用户录制的令人毛骨悚然的TikTok剪辑。 TikTok变得非常流行。用户用它捕获一些幽灵是很自然的!
@:[email protected]
#tiktok #scarytiktok #hauntedtiktok。

  1. I'm the first one, I think it's cute bc the soul could be a little girl who died… And she prolly just wants to play. I feel like it's a little girl bc she played with the cabinet door, and the doll moves like a child is playing with it… But then again… It's could also be set up to look like the house is haunted

  2. I seen that same thing in my momma house. But when i went Around the corner after pressing it. Their was nothing their. Actually the most confusing moment of my life

  3. ''then the shadow person makes it inside her house…..I'll keep you updated on her.''
    Um, pretty sure that's a real person in a gorilla costume so she's probably dead now!

  4. @kingfrostmare if you know these people email them and ask them to play Quran Al Baqra verse all day for 3 days and 3 nights and seal it with one more night, the total is 7. They will never dare to appear again. Tiktok has the ability to detect supernatural and we think it's a gateway through magnetic fields from somewhere which allows them to have quick access to your home.

  5. When the cat freaks out in the 'poltergeist' segment, there appears to be 2 voices in an EVP.
    9:14 seems to be a djinn or şeytan ?, but if it's not a human, it's not behaving as most typically do and is chillingly aggressive

  6. I find it amusing that people purchase Hunted objects thinking it's all bullshit and they the shit scared out of them when things start to happen in their house… it's like the object telling them 'Didn't say I didn't warn you' lol

  7. Why run away what are those shadow people going to do to you ? I mean I like the Chinese way of dealing with any type of ghost or spirit they scream curse words at it and call it names like you would to your little sister who won’t leave you alone

  8. So it appears that the girl who had the ghost follow to her new place is being haunted by Darth Vader. At 9 minutes 47 seconds in the video. Am I the only one who saw this? That shadow figure is freaking Darth Vader

  9. The noise that is in the video with the cat reminds me a bit of my cat sneezing…. i just can‘t figure out why she would be so scared of another cat sneezing ?

  10. I started getting shortness of breath and my heart fluttering and I couldn’t figure out why. It went away after the shadow man figure….that was creepy as hell, I would’ve been freaking out and my bull mastiff Pitbull would’ve been too and trying attack the thing. I would stay somewhere else and call an exorcist or something. Or the tv show the Dead Files cuz I’d want to see what that psychic chick had to say.

  11. As much as I wish the first doll wasn’t a fishing line and some editing, thats what that really weird jerky movement looks like. An accomplice and some minor editing skills sure can get you places I guess.

  12. "nightly noises have become almost a daily event now"…… reminded me of that Roald Dahl story/poem thingy:
    One fine day on a stormy night
    two dead men got up to fight
    back to back they faced each other
    drew their swords and shot each other
    and so on i think..i can't remember… it was nearly 35 years ago when i read so i may be completely wrong about it but….

  13. The ghost from the person who has the ADORABLE golden retriever that King Frostmare likes is just turning the plant so that the camera can see it better, it looks like a really nice plant. Also the first capture of the shadow man thing looking through the window had two additional shadow peeps looking from the side.

  14. One thing I like about this channel,..is that Bro Frost is always on the top of things,..He's waaay ahead of top 15, sir spooks, slapped ham, chills, etc,…whenever i try watch those channels,..its like watching a replay on what Bro Frost already played,…keep it up brah,…

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