PS5 DualSense与Xbox Series X控制器-对比

索尼最近透露了PlayStation 5的控制器DualSense,至少可以说它的设计很有趣。但是我们今天在这里。

  1. Its funny how ps5 is sort of trash how they copy the x box and the x series is better than the ps5 and now all these ps4 players wanna say console r consoles and be all chill about it now nah nah where was all that kindness and chillness for the past 7 years

  2. Last time I checked, the DualShock 4 included analog pressure sensors in each button, a really cool piece of technology, it's a shame they keep using that old DirectInput that PC games abandoned ages ago.

  3. Honestly, none of them have the brilliant idea of creating a controller of fingerprints instead of the joystick on the right, I AM sure they can
    Will be best for shooting games

  4. First, I thought what the heck, PlayStation! a white and black. NO WAY… Seeing it over and over again, now I think it looks good. May be it's just the matter that people are used to the same colors years over years, but with time,, they will start liking it.

  5. I'm freaking loved everything about PS5 design n specs. They added Heptic feedback with adaptive triggers. Xbox has Heptic feedback with duel rumbles.
    PS5 also included MiC which is smart choice. I really wish they also give us back button. But I think its a miss from SONY.

  6. To all who say the Xbox Series X controller is bad simply because it’s largely the same as the prior generation’s controller; why? The Xbox One controller is my personal favorite out of the last generations controllers and felt really nice to use. I personally don’t see why they would have to make major changes, and obviously Microsoft didn’t see much of a reason to change it either. Before I get harassed by Sony fans, no, I’m not an Xbot. I’m a Nintendrone.

  7. As a playstation player I really think the sticks should not be on the bottom. Not trying to start anything, When I went to my friends house I played on his Xbox and the controller was so good.

  8. Sounds good well I've never used a PS control before but dont think the xbox need much modification it was almost perfect… yea yea I'm a xbox fan but ps5 control really looks good and I love the look …end of the day everyone have what they like .. but I belive both company are doing great … one love

  9. I like how ps5 players talk about how their duelsense is so much better then the series x controller but fail to release we have an elite series 1 and 2 controller which smacks any ps4 or 5 controller

  10. You using ps4 controller mic while playing a shooter game: guys there’s some one on me
    Your friends: what
    You again:there’s someone on me
    What your friends hear: mashing buttons

  11. I'm not a PS player, but I really like what Sony's done here… The Xbox (One) controller is widely accepted as being the best controller at the moment anyway, so it would have been a mistake to radically change the design so I'm happy things aren't that different. But the Dualshock's different. It's by no means bad, but it has never obtained that level of praise, but with this new one, it seems they took a massive step in the right direction.

  12. At least the light bar on the DualShock has been made smaller, so maybe less battery drain from it now.
    Also I wonder how quality will sound from the controller mix especially while it uses the haptic feedback, probably would be funny to hear in a party.

  13. I like the ps5 controller looks, better but being an xbox player I like the bigger controller and more spread out joysticks because I don’t feel crammed. But I’m going to buy the series x because it’s quicker and more powerful and I enjoy competitive gaming, however I do envy the better memory and faster loading screens from the ps5, however I still am getting the series x. I know no one asked but quite frankly it’s a comment not an answer.

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