与Unity3D / ROS教程的Rosbridge WebSocket连接

本教程说明了ROS#是C#中的一组开源软件库和工具,用于与.NET应用程序(特别是Unity)中的ROS通信。 Rosbridge为非ROS程序提供JSON API到ROS功能。有很多与rosbridge交互的前端,包括供Unity3D进行交互的WebSocket服务器。 。

  1. I really appreciate the tutorial but my x,y and z values are swapped around. The same is happening in your video at the end. You wouldn't know why that's happening so I can go and fix it? Everything is is working for me though, I just can't figure out why those values are swapped and I'd rather fix the problem then just rework the numbers whenever I wanna use them.

  2. Hello, thanks for your video which helped me a lot! Really appreciate! Could you please send your talk.py in ROS to me? I did not find this file in the Ros-Sharp package. My email address: yongqing@kth.se. Thanks very much!

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