

  1. Nobody Called. NOBODY.
    Ah, the Entitlement Mentalities of the Rich and Infamous !
    He never could keep it zipped, think things threw, nor clean up after himself.
    Those in power who perceive a threat to it, or find they have lost it, are obsessed with retaining or regaining it, often to the point of frenzied panic and/or violence.

  2. Chappaquickie!!–Lord ,Oh Lord—-Give Hollywood the very twist of opportunity to turn a buck! they are all over it like stink on rooster poop. Wouldn't surprise me if the mangemedia tried to associate DT in some way to the horny doins.

  3. God Damnit Oliver Stone how many of us get to be directors male or female? That one Israeli women made a great dramedy about the boring sadness of deployment.

  4. I just do not get it. I love John F. Kennedy. Why were so many of hie realitives total scumbags? Hell, not some, almost all of them. Total trash. John, I am sorry your legacy was so shattered.

  5. Ted Kennedy murdered this woman & now we discover he also worked with the Soviets against the United States during the cold war & nothing happened to him because he was a Democrat. Same media, same LIES. Some things never change I guess & it's about time they did

  6. Democrat Ted Kennedy murdered this woman and nothing happened to him. Politicians need to follow the same rules as everyone else. Or, there aren't any rules.

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