勇敢的新世界:官方预告片(2020)Alden Ehrenreich,Demi Moore

查看“孔雀的勇敢的新世界”的第一部预告片。根据这本书,这部具有未来派意义的系列由Alden Ehrenreich(独奏:星球大战的故事),Jessica Brown Findlay(冬日的故事)主演,并以Demi Moore(《查理的天使:全油门》)为特色,并想象了一个基因改造的未来,生活将是痛苦的。自由但毫无意义-一个禁止一夫一妻制,隐私,金钱,家庭和历史本身的社会。该系列由David Wiener和Grant Morrison制作。


  1. It definitely doesn't resemble the book at all, but that doesn't mean it'll be bad (look at blade runner lol) but… I don't feel interested at all by this one idk :/ we'll have to see

  2. In every single scifi social dystopia movie, everyone is wearing those white uniforms…. The costume design makes this look like a thousand other movies.

  3. I always thought Brave New World would've been directed by Terry Gilliams and have someone who looks very similar to Johnathan Price, and the "Savages" would either look like Amish people or tribesmen and stuff?

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