
观看此视频后,您将成为如何种植裸露的根树的专家。 Elmer Kidd(Stark Bro的首席生产官)将引导您完成种植2岁的裸根果树的基本步骤-这是您从Stark Bro’s自己的后院得到的那种树。

关于Stark Bro’s:Stark Bro’s Nurseries&Orchards Co.自1816年以来就为家庭种植者种植了出色的水果和坚果植物。可在Facebook(http://www.starkbros.com‬)上找到我们。 www.facebook.com/starkbros.co)和Twitter(@starkbros)! 。

  1. can you recommend a fruit/nut tree and berry that can tolerate moderate shade? I have a back yard that is somewhat shaded by oak trees, but want to get a mini orchard started. I live in zone 6a so any recommendation would be appreciated. I live in the city so im not sure planting dwarf verieties on the tree belt(which gets full sun) would be wise. Thanks.

  2. It is very important that the roots never dry out, even for a second. When watering in the tree for the first time, create a deluge so all the roots come in contact immediately and permanently with moist soil.

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