CAPONE Official Trailer(2020)汤姆·哈迪,Al Capone电影高清

CAPONE Official Trailer(2020)汤姆·哈迪,Al Capone电影高清

  1. Tom hardy is totally miscast as Capone,

    The best actor to play Capone was rod steiger who looked like Capone,

    Hardy is a over hyped poor man's Marlon Brando,

  2. Hardy is great… But as Capone? Not so sure. Did anyone notice that hardy, even after makeup looks nothing like him? Visually Capone's heed is bigger and he is generally more stocky and Italian looking!

  3. I don't know. I think Hardy is a great actor, but this looks like one of those "look at my amazing transformation and give me an Oscar!" movies.

  4. Had to do a report on capone as a kid. We were to talk about a person's life and death and one event in between. I got to death and My teacher stopped me while I informed the class his passing away from syphilis. ????

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