
JSAJSA Mask4Masks-https://metathreads.com/collections/gamersmask4masks/products/ajsa-mask4masks

JS AJSA衬衫! ►http://bit.ly/2m2YJNq

  1. The competition doing "sexy ass stuff" ain't gonna matter much. Third party devs won't care about Sony's crap, just like no one really cares about the touchpad.

    And yes, Joe, teraflops matter – your 2080ti is more powerful than Alex's 2070 Super.

  2. You have your facts wrong. Riot didn't give anybody money to play this game. They just gave them access. None of the streamers were paid to play the game.

  3. 5:56 till 6:31. So let me get this straight, you would rather play a COD BATTLE ROYALE game mode and put it above and in front of a new IP from a game developer that changed Esports and released a BANGER game. LMAO ! Like actually sad.

  4. We need a new Cold War. The West should arm and train an underground Resistance movement in China comparable to the French Resistance. China needs their own Charles de Gaulle. Also, the West needs a modern-day Eisenhower. If we had a modern-day Eisenhower, all corporate shills who collaborate with the Chi-Com regime (or its subsidiaries) would be publicly executed Saigon style to the celebration of all who love Liberty.
    1:21 Is there a S.T.A.L.K.E.R. one?

  5. Holy shit Alex, your mis-information is getting tiring.
    The components are identical- they are using the same architecture, they are just TAILORED 'slightly' differently.

  6. Xbox has elite controller which are hand down then best first party controllers so I think Microsoft will definitely have a better “elite” version coming out

  7. What blow my mind is that in Czech Republic we all had start covering masks /scarf when going outside enforced by law more than a month ago. And here you are saying that in USA you are just now only advised to cover your face, no wonder the virus is spreading so fast over there.

  8. Protesting via Animal Crossing against China is the ideological equivalent of saying "sending thoughts and prayers your way!"
    As if some negative PR from the gaming world will sway a superpower that specializes in crimes against humanity. Nice little pat on the back, I suppose.

  9. I thought Del's review was totally fair and he even sets the expectations about the early access thing at the very beginning of the video. It was detailed and helpful and I think you shouldn't listen to "hardcore fans" who cannot tell reality from fantasy anymore. Don't cater to them.

  10. Stadia sucks.. imagine paying a monthly fee for Netflix, but you have to pay to watch or rent the movie/shows. That’s why no one wants that trash

  11. I am of opinion state of when you have your Early Access release is just fair game to criticize. Yeah shit can change but it can also stay the same or get worst.

  12. If it aint broke… don't try to incessantly tack on new features that developers don't use and end up being a silly inconvenient waste of space like the PS controllers, that's what I say, Xbox Series X controller is just what we need, nothing more or less

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