
Nook平板电脑生根指南:http://blog.the-ebook-reader.com/2012/01/02/nook-tablet-rooting-guide-complete-walkthrough-video/该视频将向您展示如何轻松扎根Nook平板电脑从头到尾,包括如何还原到固件1.4.0并安装“隐藏设置”应用程序,然后安装USB驱动程序,最后是简单的部分:扎根Nook平板电脑并安装Android市场并禁用未来的OTA固件更新。 。

  1. i'm using windows 8.1 and i reached as far as updating usb software and when i select the path it says the file is currupt or something. i dont know what to do. please help.

  2. This worked perfectly!! Thank you sooo much.  I know very little about doing this type of thing and your video was great in assisting me! I bought a nook at a yard sale for $20 and now I have an android tablet!!  You are awesome!!

  3. why is your screen flickering like that???
    If you don't want your nook color to glow blue at night, get f.lux — scratch that, get twilight for android… and f.lux for your PC or Mac. it's free, they both are.

  4. Y hoe can I download the files mane this is driving me nuts and no one is replying I got a working rooted nook that I must keep offline cause I cant block the download the files to block the ota's. If you guys have there files please hook me up.

  5. Where can I get the files you guys I mean come on its been down for 5 days I tried every day and nothing seems to work my nook just updated it self again for the 3rd time. Whats the use in having the tutorial if the links don't work what in the world.

  6. Yo I need the files you guys can I please have a link to the files. It's stil in the morning and no the drop box is still down. Can anyone email me the files please I looked all over the web and all links point to this one drop box.

  7. Man the links to the files say that the drop box has been temporary disabled and I can't locate the files anywhere any ideal on how I can make this happen.

  8. Press and Hold the "U" and Power button until it restarts and reslease them tight after the "Read Forever" logo comes up and it will prompt you for a factory reset.

  9. for those who are having trouble reverting back to 1.4.0 you must run it several times, thats how i got mine to work now im having trouble getting the drivers to install so that i can complete the root!

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