Phil Spencer的新Xbox Series X PRICE点| Xbox MATCH Ps5控制台价格是否会上涨? | Xbox新闻

Xbox Series X价格公告即将到来。听到Xbox主管Phil Spencer的讲话总是很高兴。特别是当他谈到下一代游戏机价格时。

尽管索尼对其Ps5保持沉默,但他们仍在谈论游戏机的价格具有竞争力。这是否意味着他们想使PlayStation 5比Xbox Series X便宜?

微软似乎开始愿意在其Xbox Series X的价格上更具竞争力。让我们希望两家公司都准备好竞争。




Xbox GamerTag-Zalker87。

  1. So I have made a petition to ask Microsoft to add a gyroscope in the xbox series x controller. If we get as many people to sign it, then microsoft may end up listening and add a gryoscope to the contoller

    Here's a link to the petition

    I would explain why, but I already explain it in the link. With a video proving my point

  2. Very excited to see how raytracing looks with my own eyes, right in front of my face. It’s undeniable that the deciding factor for buying a console for me at least is: Price, power, and the Controller. And personally PlayStation controllers are infamously uncomfortable and unpractical.

  3. This guy should get a Medal of Honor for hitting this 10 min mark on the video. Dude was out there firing blanks against rocket launchers and still getting that YT money.

  4. I just spent $499.99 on the project Scorpio Xbox one X. Not really sure what the point in that was as my day 1 VCR model Xbox in the living still runs all the same games just the same. I will not be buying a new console anytime soon

  5. Ign is a horrible reference.. also exclusives were better ps4 at launch the big names for xbox had all dis. Was all new stuff that noone was sure about yet. And no. Its not a huge power leap. Well see what happens. Personally nothing has convinced me to switch to xbox yet its all just talk lol

  6. I personally think the Xbox series X will be £449.99 -£499.99. This would dramatically undercut Sony, Microsoft have already said that this generation they are not bothered about selling many consoles. MS makes it’s money from game pass, x cloud and games. Once project x cloud is fully live you won’t even need to own an Xbox.

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