JUMP FORCE –官方Nintendo Switch公告预告片

ATTN:#JumpForce的成员!您的下一个任务即将到达Nintendo Switch!

与悟空,#火影忍者,路飞和更多您喜欢的漫画人物合作,拯救我们的世界! #NintendoSwitch的JUMP FORCE豪华版将于2020年到货! 。

  1. I'm a switch player & I'm not sure if I trust this…. were any of the issues fixed from the original game? Lag's one thing, I'm used to that… but….. Not sure with THIS game.

  2. Everyone is complaining down here how laggy it's gonna be. Keep in mind, it's also a portable console as well, so what do you expect? It's a port, get over it.

  3. To all the people hating on this game, It's not coming to switch for people like ya'll so move along and let those of us who enjoy the game and are looking forward to the switch version be happy about it. I can never understand people…if you don't like the thing, why are you here?

  4. Actually i dont care if it lags, i am happy it came out and everyone should be grateful it came out especially for those who doesnt have a ps4, xbox one or pc. We should really be grateful

  5. Aaaaaaaugh all i see is karens in the comments complaining about something that is on developent and not even full ported COMPLSIN WHEN THE FULL PORT COMES OUT

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