全球数据下载! LR精神炸弹吸收了悟空! (DBZ:独岛战役)

视频标题:全局数据下载! LR精神炸弹吸收了悟空! (DBZ:独岛战役)

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  1. truth u should try no iteming super agl with ssj category double spirit bomb goku or double vegito, lr gohan, agl lr trunks, agl bardock or blue gogeta. Or you could use a mix of f2p agl ssj kid trunks with a -40% str enemies attack leaderskill and spirit bomb goku

  2. Wait so should I save my stones on for this banner or should I bother n save and try n get the gogeta n vegi to banner ?? What are my chances of getting a actual Lr in the spirit bomb goku bc I have yet to get a Lr I get shafted every time on the good banners

  3. 0:47

    Good. Not interested in global firsts any more. Considering all of them have content that needs to be added later.

    I dont see any info on those goddam AGL support awakenings…

  4. Stop saying "it's not gonna happen". You don't know. You literally do not know. Bandai has shown time and time again they don't care about scheduling and do what they feel like

  5. Does it having double rates but having so many units basically balance it out? Like would it be the same chances of getting a lr in 5th ann as this or which one would be harder to get the main lr

  6. What if the Global first is an LR Kid Buu? They could easily run it in with the Majin Vegeta and Angel SSJ3 Goku stuff. A lot of people want to see an LR Kid Buu

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