冠状病毒:对COVID-19检测呈阳性的人中有50%没有症状| 7新闻

新研究发现,在COVID-19检测呈阳性的人中,有50%完全没有症状。研究的负责人卡里·斯特凡森博士(KáriStefánsson)和传染病教授桑贾亚·塞纳纳耶克(Sanjaya Senanayake)权衡了沉默的COVID携带者,病毒如何传播等等。





  1. This is one of the reasons e.g. US and Austria are wearing masks now. It can limit the spread of the virus. This can help in the reopening strategy and complement with the 'test, contact trace and isolate' strategy.

  2. Thankyou for allowing this Doctor to speak at length. He had some very important information we need to hear. I appreciate you not pushing a political agenda, and therefore letting the Scientist speak. Very refreshing indeed. Ask yourself how come a small country like Iceland can be so far ahead of the rest of the world in testing their population. Cheers from Michael. Australia.

  3. Looks like air borne disease… transfer thru breath …. when there is no symptoms , exchanged thru air , I was assuming this few months ago coz the way it’s spreading, it can’t be thru liquid particles…. that’s my assumption

  4. Is there such a thing as being cured from this? People are testing positive who were previously considered recovered, they are calling people asymptomatic when doctors have been treating symptoms.
    It makes no sense to consider anyone cured if they still have the virus and simply aren't showing symptoms

  5. My experience in Macedonia I believe many people had the virus early on schools were empty because of a virus going around similar to the corner virus so if the authorities test in the general population for antibodies they will find out that it has been around for longer then from China and it was treated as the come flue.

  6. I thought we had a CSIRO and some of the best universities in the world… Why are we impressed by tiny Iceland as we were impressed before by even tinier Taiwan and even tinier still Singapore ?!

  7. If this is the case throughout the world and there's another 2m people wandering about spreading the plague without showing it…we're in deep trouble to put it mildly. Lockdowns and social distancing rule…until they invent a vaccine. This will be messy.

  8. If they had no symptoms then why were they tested in the first place? Are these workers from high infection risk jobs? It would help to know more about the sample population.

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