



  1. My consulate is in nyc. You can’t book an appointment for 5 years! I unfortunately gave give up my dream of dual citizenship because of this. They really discourage you from doing it.

  2. I have the original naturalization papers for my grandparents but they are over 20 years old so need to be ceritified then apostilled (1948 case). Does this method get you a certified true copy of the naturalization certificate?

  3. Hi, I hope you still respond to comments! I've found the petition for naturalization and the declaration of intent for my great grandfather. How do I find the c-file number/s from those documents? If both of my great grandparents came from Italy, do I need to request both records? I have a hunch that my ggm never naturalized, as the only information that I can find about her online is that she was married to my ggf and that she emigrated in 1911. Thanks for your help!

  4. IF YOU STILL REPLY TO THESE COMMENTS, can you please tell me what is the difference in time, meaning how long does it takes between doing a general Index Search and Record without Case ID? I started the Index search then realized I already have the C-File number on my grandfather's certificate. Should I just do a Records Request without the Case ID and get whatever info I can more quickly?

  5. Your videos have been so incredibly helpful! Question – we have only a copy of the Petition for Naturalization and the Declaration of Intention for my great-grandfather which we pulled from Ancestry. I would love to be able to pull the C-File number off of these to avoid the 12 – 17 month wait time for the Naturalisation paperwork. Do you know where to look on these docs to find the correct number? They're really old and the Intention doc is covered up and difficult to read but I think the Petition doc may have useable information.

  6. Do we get the certificate of naturalization using the C-file number found on the petition for naturalization? Or would an index search be required for identifying the number associated with the certificate of naturalization?

  7. Hi there! I had a question. When I go to get my documents translated to Italian, is there an expiration on those certified translations? Thanks!

  8. You have provided me with a wealth of information. I actually went to NARA today and found what I needed in about 15 minutes and walked out with a certified copy of the Certificate of Arrival and Petition for Naturalization. In my nonno's case there was no Certificate of Allegiance. I cannot thank you enough!!!!

  9. Grazie mille! I had started down this path 3 years ago and had requested a file search (it was only $20 then!). When they sent back info that they had my grandfather's naturalization record, I thought I was stuck – I knew that he would have renounced his Italian citizenship. I didn't yet realize that I needed to show that this occurred after my father's birth! Thinking that their letter was bad news, I'm sure I tossed it. Skip ahead a few years and I'm trying again and realized that I needed that dang C-file number! Luckily, it was on a scan of his naturalization court records! Thanks for the video – and saving me yet another year! 🙂

  10. Great information – thank you! If I have copies of my GF's letter of intention as well as his petition for naturalization, and naturalization card, do I still have to acquire certified documents from USCIS?

  11. Do we need to have this certificate of naturalization if (1) our ancestor was not naturalized, or (2) our ancestor was naturalized after his son who was born in the US was born? Just trying to determine if this is necessary or not

  12. If you only have a C file# you need to search record without case ID. You can't search with case ID because you don't have a case ID unless you do a Index search first. My question is which documents do I get with a C file #? Will I get Petition for Naturalization, Oath of Allegiance and the Certificate of Naturalization?

  13. The philidelphia consulate does not have the petition for citizenship or declaration of intent in their list of required documents so I assume those depend on the consulate like how some translate for you

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