



▸制作协调人,合著者兼研究-Elise Felber
▸执行监制-Alessandra Catanese
▸摄影/摄影指导-Zach Zeidman
▸编辑-Mike Criscimagna

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  1. ?100% of profits from this video will be donated to The World Health Organization’s COVID-19 response fund to help fight coronavirus. check the description for more information. come back next week for I spent a day with QUARANTINED IMMUNE-COMPROMISED — thank you so much for supporting me and this series 🙂
    —ps: shoutout to everyone who has turned on notifications ? and directly support me in continuing this series. please stay home and stay safe.

  2. My family think my moms had it for a while but she can’t be tested because she’s not in critical condition. She’s had a fever for two months and a cough that doesn’t go away. This shit is real and it will get worse overtime if you don’t do your part. It won’t just go away.

  3. Do i think calling it the Chinese virus was right no, calling it the Wuhan virus dose make since because it started there. So many Diseases and viruses have been named after the places they come from, like Spanish Flu,West Nile Virus,Lyme Disease, ect. So i'm tried of hearing "you're a racist" about every little thing. Also I really think Trump needs someone to teach him how to speak just my opinion you can like it or not because you're free to have one in the U.S. unlike many other countries that have it far worse then us. Keep them in you're thoughts,prayers and try to help each other in these hard times.

  4. Am I going crazy or did u have another vid after this that you deleted? I swear I just saw it yesterday. I think this isolation is starting to mess with me, lol….

  5. My dad thinks he’s one of the people who had the coronavirus back in January when barely anyone knew about it. Him and his girlfriend stayed home and he made me stay at my moms, even though that was after they had symptoms and it seems like I would’ve gotten it. It’s possible that it passed through me without me having any symptoms and I built immunity to it, maybe. My dad said their lungs felt like they were on fire and he hadn’t felt so sick in years. It lasted them about a week to two weeks (I don’t remember exactly ?) but there are lots of people coming out now and saying they think they had corona back in January. Some people were tested and the doctors said they had “a respiratory infection.” They were tested for the flu and stuff and everything came back negative, so the doctors just told people that until coronavirus became a thing with tests, that we all know about. Sorry if you already knew about this, but I thought I would share the information for the people who didn’t. I’ve had a lot of bad chest cold where it hurt really bad to cough and felt pressure behind my eyes, and that sometimes happens often to me, so if I ever did have coronavirus I would be confused about whether it was normal or corona. Sorry for writing this long comment, I hope you all stay safe 🙂

  6. I'm having to work because apparently pizza is essential, but I'm taking precautions. I'm washing my hands all the time after touching money, wearing gloves while handling the food, all of us have to wear face masks. There is hand sanitizer by the register so to ensure others to be cautious as well I point out and suggest using the hand sanitizer. I'm already kind of health cautious, but I have to work so I can't stay home. Everyone who has to work during this time, take precautions and do what you can to ensure the health of your customers and co-workers.

  7. I can't wrap my head around the fact that people are still going outside, socializing in person, and not caring at all. its a freaking pandemic, over 2 million cases worldwide….are they just really really dumb?????

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