如何将iPhone App放置在屏幕上的任何地方而不会越狱

如何在屏幕上的任何地方放置iPhone App无需越狱iOS 9.2.1
适用于iPhone 2016的最佳壁纸网站
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v = RUMH8 …
如何将iOS 9.3降级到9.2.1
Cydia Tweak Fingal将您的iPhone图标变成现实
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v = w4gl _…
如何将iPhone 6s用作秤:
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v = D-V6y …
iOS 9.3 Beta 2新控制中心夜班
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v = zbD6m …
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v = a_d5j …
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如何越狱iOS 9.0、9.0.1、9.0.2 http://full.sc/1QtwA5Y
如何在Windows和Mac上越狱iOS 8►http://full.sc/1JMVuxl。

  1. I love how everyone starts off telling you how to do things with your phone then you find out you have to download some fishing app to do it. Effing tools!

  2. This is un-manageable , cant believe Apple locks this. This is 2019, android has allowed this since 2005. Making rows and columns, PC have that since well 1990?

  3. Little things like that, along with the fact that it is now almost impossible to edit videos on your PC then putting them on your iphone, are reasons why I might actually switch back to Android for my next phone…!

  4. Hey there! A lot of thanks for this video as it solved my issue and explained to me that there is no such option for sorting out the screens like I did back on Android.
    Thank you!!

  5. this is so stupid. I gave up on Apple and switched to android because to be frank android is better! just like Playstation is better than shit box done! I had an iPad air 2 and it was jailbroken but it didn't "feel" like an android tablet. so I sold it and got myself a shiny Samsung Galaxy tablet. so much better than the maxi pad. hey I device help make some videos on android phones or tablets or I'm unsubscribing! you know deep down inside android is better!

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