PS5 VS Xbox X:哪个控制器更好?

您需要了解的所有有关在Sony的新DualSense PS5或Microsoft的Xbox X游戏手柄之间拥有更好控制器的信息。


索尼终于展示了PlayStation 5的控制器DualSense,男孩真是个美女!但是,不要忘了Microsoft及其Xbox Series X控制器。虽然不如DualSense浮华,但它本身就是一个了不起的控制器。现在我们已经看到了Xbox Series X控制器和PS5控制器,我们决定是时候将它们彼此进行比较,看看哪个具有优势。索尼和微软在其下一代游戏机的控制器方面朝着完全不同的方向发展,但这些控制器中只有一个能脱颖而出。

我们将对你们诚实。看起来DualSense具有Xbox Series X控制器的优势。对于初学者来说,它具有内置麦克风,使玩家无需插入耳机即可与其他人进行语音聊天。现在,当然,最好使用头戴式耳机进行更长的游戏时间,但是如果您出于某种原因而无法使用头戴式耳机或一对耳机,则内置麦克风就可以了。与Xbox Series X控制器的AA电池相比,它还具有可充电的锂离子电池。是的,他们仍在使用AA电池。幸运的是,它具有出色的d-pad。

除了欣赏视频之外,DualSense和Xbox Series X控制器之间还有更多区别,请在下面的评论部分告诉我们您的想法,不要忘记订阅TheGamer以获得更多游戏内容。

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  1. I think microsoft Problem that they trying make same price… Just make good powerfull x Box and dsn't Mather if x Box 300eur more cost have, I buy it becouse IT much better. But now ps5 winner. They want more improve they product than Microsoft.

  2. This guy is such a play station fan boy, I can just take my rechargeable batteries from my Xbox one and put it in my series X controller and I'm done, no extra cost. Because all Xbox one accessories are compatible with all new Xbox consoles. Deal with the fact you can't find any real problems to bash Xbox for

  3. Dude! Are you out of your mind? Name ONE advantage of having a built-in rechargeable battery in 2020 and i'll name several disadvantages. 1. what happens when the rechargeable battery is not charging anymore? Do you BUY a new controller?
    2. what if you have a faulty controller with a good battery and another with a bad battery but the controller is good?
    3. what if your batteries are completely dead and needs to recharge during a heated gaming session?
    4. what about having the option of having the regular AA batteries, the re-movable re-chargeable's will last much longer with this.
    5. Safety, which is Safer for the controller, a built-in battery or a re-movable set?
    6.which is faster, to change or recharge your batteries?

    Both controllers are indeed awesome, but don't make it seem like the Xbox battery options are primitive because common sense alone should can debunk that premise.

  4. I use AA batteries and they last for about for 25 hours and the ps4 has a battery life for like 8 hours so he chatting crap and the Xbox controller should be won

  5. No, the rechargeable battery is a downfall, not a benefit. Playing a game controller dies, sit and wait for it to recharge. While I can drop some rechargeable lithium-ion AA batteries in on the Xbox and have another set charging. Things that are going to kill that shiny new controller battery life: Dualsense, trigger feedback, outdated touchpad, lights, and the mic which wasn't even mentioned that was the only real improvement to the controller. I own both and play the Xbox more simply because I'm not buying another controller for just one person while waiting on it to charge, the next-gen console will be no different than the last when going head to head like the last you will not be able to see a difference between them. It will boil down to the ecosystem of either one. Which in my opinion Xbox wins hands down. The biggest difference is storage options. Not the speed in the real world you won't be able to tell a difference, but in the expansion options. Sony wins this one, in the video, it looks like Xbox is using Seagate which is one of the crappiest drives you can buy at least on the physical drive part so I wouldn't trust them with anything else either.

  6. Since batteries seem to bother you so much, you should buy an elite series 2 control, battery problem solved my bro

    I prefer to be able to take batteries out anyway, easier fix than a ps4 control battery shitting itself

  7. I don't care which feels better, looks better etc. (Unpopular opinion) The main thing that puts me off is the PS controller's analog sticks being right next to each other. My hands don't work like that. Including I prefer letters compared to shapes, so I actually know what I'm pressing.

  8. Xbox never learn how to make rechargeable batteries since today… How unfortunate. ? You know how irritating just to change the tv remote control batteries once in a while!? I can't imagine how it will be in console controller?

  9. So what you’re actually saying, when reading between the lines (by lines I mean the amount of times that built in battery packs were mentioned) is that the Xbox controller is better in every way except something g that cones down to personal preference… battery packs! I have used both Xbox and PlayStation controllers and in my opinion…

    With PlayStation, you run low mid game so you either plug the controller in and have a lead trailing across the room or purchase a second controller that you switch to whilst the 1st one is charging!

    With Xbox, you buy 4 rechargeable batteries and a AA charger. When your batteries run low mid game, you just switch them out and carry on as you were while the 1st set charges

    In my opinion Xbox wins here because it’s simpler and cheaper (PS controller vs 4 x AA batteries and a charger)

    I guess if you play on a smaller tv/monitor at a desk then plugging in your controller wouldn’t be an issue (but then why not just have a wired controller). If, like me you play on a larger tv in your lounge, a lead trailing across the room is just asking for trouble

    Also, As the batteries start to weaken over time, it’s a much cheaper option to replace them on Xbox

    Just my opinion

  10. Hot take Replacable batteries are better… Even if you have to buy the rechargable battery pack, When The battery stops working you can't replace the ps5 battery and basically have to shell out another 50$ for a new controller. it pays off in the end to have the battery be replacable even if you have to buy it seperately, the 10-20$ for the battery pack is less than the 50$ for a whole new controller. the worst part is when the old controller still works perfectly fine. Xbox controller definetly wins IMO becuase of that.

  11. Dang this guy hates to have options. The obvious reason xbox series x will still have the OPTION to use batteries is so everyone can have what they want. Also if the battery is dead you can just use batteries or buy a replacement from your favorite brand. Damn the anti consumer battery comments of this guy is cringy

    Let people choose what they want and try not to influence through hateful videos.

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