
在星空联盟(Star Union)倒塌的星尘和混乱中,一个阴险的新征服者种族开始向银河系索赔。

于2020年5月26日为PlayStation 4,Xbox One和PC推出《世纪奇观:星球大战入侵》时,部署和摧毁无情的蜥蜴人恶魔种族沙卡恩。


  1. Imagine if there was a Species of Alien that looked like these Reptiles? Imagine If this imaginary Reptilian Species was a Mother species to the planet Earth, upon leaving, left behind a Genetically Engineered Sub Species as a Generic carrier of information that can later be Extracted, Edited, and reconstituted in to an entity needed by whatever situation at hand….. Hummm ?

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