

  1. What a hot mess of a trailer. Can anyone make any sense of what the story might be? He's a bounty hunter who pulls a gun on kids? Is he helping them or afraid of them? Who's selling guns again? Does that have something to do with a mom being kidnapping? But above all what does that have to do with a soldier's revenge? They don't even mention revenge!

  2. In the title Val Kilmer is listed first, leading me to believe he was the star of the film, then I noticed that he was barely in the trailer, and then, on the film credits he is behind nine other people. It reminds me of TBS back in the eighties would run The Conversation, which starred Gene Hackman, but the they would advertise it as starring Gene Hackman, Harrison Ford, and Terri Garr (Garr and Ford were very hot items at the time), and the screen time for Harrison Ford and Terri Garr put together was probably about seven minutes.

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