新的巨大Mario Maker 2 UPDATE Trailer Break !!


Super Mario Maker 2是由Nintendo为Nintendo Switch开发和发行的侧滚动平台游戏和游戏创建系统。 Mario Maker 2引入了新功能和课程资源,包括基于Super Mario 3D World的新课程样式和资源。

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GrandPOOBear是内容创建者,Speedrunner和Red Bull运动员。
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4/20/20。 #GrandPOOBear#SuperMarioMaker2。

  1. No more major updates means sadly no chance for new styles, more level themes, no in-level-warp-pipes (like the small ones in rom hacks / 3D clear pipes) and sadly also no chance for Mario Galaxy or Oddysee updates / references. Wish there was a cappy powerup just like the SMB2 Shroom in one of the styles. Also: Wish the heads were also in NSMB and the world map maker was a little bit bigger for more splitting lanes, intersections and maybe small boss levels on the way.
    Also really wished for something that works like wires. Something that allows you to press something at one point and it opens up a thing at another point in the level. Basically a whole overlay for wiring / contraptions.

    But hey this is a amazing update and I hope there's more hidden stuff like the ON/OFFs Pop discovered

  2. Might consider redownloading it again tomorrow after seeing this, still sux u can't edit downloaded coarse though, it makes learning how ppl make interesting coarse impossible for me which really puts a damper on my creativity

  3. Holy wait! Does this mean that 3d world is simultaneously not a joke anymore, but also even more of a glitchy fucking mess!?!?!? They fucking did it!

  4. Me: Oha what's that? Panga and Barb title about New Update ?
    Beast MASSIVE NEW ? Poo HUGE 30min video ? Me: Let's a Goooooo

    Edit: man i can't wait for new Puzzles and i'm kinda excited for speedruns aswell.
    this is in fact actually massive. Doing Roms' in SMM2? it's making me a little wet, ngl =^.^=

  5. in the multiplayer world, it seems like courses have a "ninji restriction" like you have to do the levels in a certain order?

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