
回忆–萨拉(凯蒂·洛兹(Caity Lotz)),君士坦丁(Matte Ryan)和查理(Maisie Richardson-Sellers)发现自己在不列颠哥伦比亚省寻找另一部织机,但遇到了无法预料的问题。扎里(塔拉·阿什(Tala Ashe))一直感到自己像麻烦一样,因此她根据Behrad(来宾明星Shayan Sobhian)的建议进行冥想之旅。同时,Ava(Jes Macallan)的志愿者尝试帮助Rory(Dominic Purcell)解决个人问题。尼克·扎诺(Nick Zano)和奥利维亚·斯旺(Olivia Swann)也是主演。凯文·莫克(Kevin Mock)执导了摩根·福斯特(Morgan Faust)和泰伦·卡特(Tyron Carter)(#509)所写的那集。原始播出日期4/21/2020。在YouTube上订阅tvpromosdb,以获取更多DC的《明日传奇》第5季高清节目!

观看更多DC的《明日传奇》第5季视频:https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list = PLfrisy2KXzkd8svLWw9AyWdzxUJZGZG60


»主演:凯蒂·洛兹(Caity Lotz),布兰登·劳斯(Brandon Routh),多米尼克·珀塞尔(Dominic Purcell)


  1. Tell me that Zari will have the "power" to switch from the new to old Zari and back plz , i can't say i don't like the new one i love her too actually

  2. I honestly thought the first few episodes of the season were kind of disappointing ngl… but this looks more promising. The loom of fate looks really interesting and I like the CGI. It just reminds me too much of the Spear of Destiny that the villain will create an alternate reality and they will have to overcome it.

  3. I don’t think the writers are getting enough sleep, this is the type of stuff I come up with when I don’t sleep. (don’t do homework when you aren’t getting enough sleep or just make sure you don’t put a picture of a squirrel in a essay and send it to your teacher or write frog in all caps when making a PowerPoint, mistakes where made)

  4. blinks I see the writers took their time in quarantine to take LoT's brand of crazy to a whole 'nother level. I'm here for it. Yup. Bring it on.

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