武器大战! 8.3 Arms Warrior PVE指南

此处提供《武器战争》中继资料和我们的8.3武器战士指南,您将了解特质,本质,腐败,8.3武器战士轮换,饰品,统计数据以及8.3武器战士才能。这个规范在BFA中已经走了很长一段路,在游戏的几乎所有方面都位居榜首。我的意思是,武器战士ny’alotha的表现是疯狂的,不要误解,因为8.3武器战士的神话加数字也很出色!由于这是初学者的武器战士指南,因此我们不会深入研究所有细节,但是您可以确定作为武器战士pve进行表演,如果您一直遵循该指南,那么如何玩就不会有问题武器战士:)靠近MarcelianOnline,这是您所有8.3 bfa魔兽世界指南的地方:)



videos所有视频均在太平洋标准时间(PST)14:00 PM / CET 11:00 PM直播


  1. I've seen arms preform well in high mythic raid and m+ but I still vastly out preform my arms spec as fury (10k + dmg difference). Is it gear? Am I playing it wrong?

  2. Hey when Sweeping Strikes is NOT active in AoE you just use cleave on CD and spam Whirlwind right? Nothing else?

    The Arms AoE rotation never felt very obvious to me so I still question how I do things

  3. So glad corrupted Brought back Arms, i played it for 3 seasons when it was damn weak, now i can finally enjoy some good fucking Gameplay

  4. another thing that annoys me on Arms is that he dies really easily. Its like he is wearing cloth armor. On fury rarely i drop beneath 75% health 🙁

  5. i like arms more than fury but they have gimp arms to hell. Arms have to spend rage for everything while fury just can spam whirlwind. ffs

  6. Great video guys. I'm playing my Warrior as Fury although I would like being Arms cuz I love the Bleed mechanic; but I play Fury cuz I hate being Ragestarved. As a casual player how much minimum % Haste should I have to prevent being Ragestarved as much as possible ? Cheers and keep up the good work.

  7. You guys finally got around to my boy 😀 I'm in Dungeons doing 75k single Target DPS and I tell the tank to pull two packs when my cooldowns are up, it's never felt better to be an arms Warrior

  8. I beg to differ on the "opening rotation" It's pot, MOL, Charge, CS, MS and then WW spam, then when you get test of might buff Bladestorm and then WRECK FACE.

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