
凯文·埃斯皮里图(Kevin Espiritu)-欢迎来到Epic Gardening,在这里我的目标是帮助10千万以上的人学习如何种植自己的食物和与自然重新联系。你们中的许多人是新手,所以我认为是时候更新频道预告片了,向您介绍了更多有关我自己以及Epic Gardening宇宙的知识。




Epic Gardening不仅仅是YouTube频道。我有一个包含500多个园艺教程的网站,以及一个播客,我在五分钟或更短的时间内发布了每日园艺技巧。还有一个Facebook小组,数千名其他园丁分享了他们的技巧。






  1. Welcome to all new subscribers and future EPIC GARDENERS. Introduce yourself in the comments below, and thank you for joining me on this journey. Keep growing, Kevin

  2. Hi Kevin, I found your channel via Huw Richards – I am in the uk, so I have a very different climate to yours, but I am really enjoying seeing what you are growing in your front yard and I'm learning lots about irrigation and growing in containers … thank you! ??

  3. I too thank you for all of your helpful videos and be being so wonderful! I live in the mountains of Virginia and have grown small stuff in containers in the last 10 years, but with your help I now have a 4 x 10 raised bed, and two 4 x 4's that I have used for the last 3 years. I have a greenhouse ordered also. It is my goal to grow 12 months a year. I also do hydroponics and I have a tomato and kale that I overwintered in a aquaponic fish tank. I am just learning all kinds of good stuff.

  4. I've been a new subscriber since March and I heavily rely on your channel! Great trailer! I am in Mississippi and with the storms my potted tomatoes that are about 8 weeks old got overwater and they are sad.

    But a question for you! I've been using empty egg containers for seedlings to save on $$ and it seems to be working for me. Have you ever used these in your early planting days?

  5. Hey there, I found a YouTube call MI Gardner last year before I started on my garden growing, I started with tomatoes and eggplants and strawberries. I've since become a huge plant lady and even seed started a few plants this year for the garden, I'm still getting to know the basics but over the past month I've found your channel and I've already added so much knowledge to my garden. Thank you so much for all your amazing content. You really are helping someone who killed every plant they ever owned to having fresh food out of my back yard. thank you! This year, I've expanded into growing leafy vegetables and trying out some beans and peas.

  6. I've been looking for exactly this in a YT channel. I have a green thumb, but want to be better. Subscribed!

    Looking forward to exploring your channel.

  7. Hi team an my mission is to reconnect you on the another level during your travels and when you are volunteering , I travelled for many years and finished my globetrotting. I want to continue it more stacionary and decided to make sure that every month i'll have minimum 50$ for this which need extra money for their plants,trees and want to take green actions in their hands instead of complaining and demanding. It will give you and your community fresh food and will help climate change. I'll no make any videos as this is pure non profit organisation and tryign to keep it organically as much as I can , but without promotion and pioneers it will be hard to start more to see is here :

    platform is coming but i make it by myself and still just learning so it will take a while 🙂

    and thanks to Kevin for your mission brother! keep it up and spread the joy of being in the nature with people 🙂 Hope you don't mind me too write it but this video motivated me to do it as we are on the same path

  8. I'm a new subscriber too. I was caught immediately by this channel, because of how things are explained with such simplicity and clarity. Love it. I'm playing 'catch-up' now, watching past videos.

    I'm so excited for people who have been moved to grow their own food for the first time, as a result of the current state of things. Can you even imagine a person who has never grown vegetables…unearthing potatoes for the first time (my personal favourite thing)….or snipping their first greens that go from their garden to the table in less than a hour ? Surely they will be hooked.

    I only found this channel a week or so ago…but I've already recommended it to a few of such people. EXCITING !!!! ?

  9. I just got your Urban Gardening book in the mail today! I love how you easily, concisely, and thoroughly explain each subject. I feel more confident about how and why I should do some things now. My next project is micro greens in an upcycled container. I can hardly wait to get my arugula seeds…

  10. Recently discovered the channel and am enjoying it. I’d love to see an episode about the best crops to grow in a 4 seasons climate/short grow season area.

  11. Been watching for a while. I get a chuckle out of your kinda cheesy but cute beginnings, & enjoy your content. Growing 1s own food or at least some house plants can be a very important & satisfying thing, & I'm glad to see well done videos that encourage & make it easier for ppl to get into that & see all the great things they've been missing out on otherwise.

  12. Great Promo…..I love your channel. very concise, informative, and well researched…..Much success to you!!! But you really should show a blooper vid….we all make mistakes LOL

  13. That is a very well done promo for your channel.

    Have you ever done an interview with Jeff from The Ripe Tomato Farms channel? It could be interesting to see since he is so much further north from where you are.

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