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  1. This black chick at 0:30 is intelligent and well spoken and on point. I feel like I'm listening to a thoughtful human. I love the reference to disinformation campaign or whatever it was she said. Listening to Trump I'm just like this guy is a transparently lying megalomaniac. Not to mention confused and disoriented. There's no possible way any sane person could trust him. Well trust him to be an insane lying megalomaniac, I guess. She makes me feel like a connection to reality and to each other in a meaningful – or at least sane – way is possible.

  2. Cuomo is just getting face time for recognition in four years after trumps 2nd term ends. Guys whole family is one of the dirtiest most corrupt since the Kennedy family. This gal also failed to mention that Cuomo has been dismantling the medical field in New York for several years. Oh and the military is building medical facilities in the us. Just look at Central Park. I ain’t no trump fan and i didn’t vote for him but these pundits gotta stop lying because they are not helping. Every time Cuomo says the numbers are going down a day later they jump again. Folks in the big cities just ain’t listening and doing what they want

  3. If joe Biden was President we would be watching joe Biden smelling little girls hair. We would be watching Joe Biden biteing fingers. Joe biden will not know what state he is in . Thank God we are not Venezuela.

  4. People that are critics of a free press, when it doesn't parrot their point of view, and propose violent retribution of individuals, or organizations, which oppose their line of thinking should find a way to take a trip back in time to a nazi police state…
    where they would feel more at home.

  5. Oh shut up! Trust me, majority of Americans know the media is there to destroy Trump! Wait till the silent majority come out?!!! Ok

  6. Do you see what's coming? Biden drops out ill and Coumo is thrust into action to be the DNC nominee by default due to poor Joe coming down with something unknown at the last moment…just wait for it!

  7. Sorry but MSNBC is so laughable. Go to court sometime and see how hard it is to get an "expert" to support a narrative. Ask Cuomo about the VENTILATOR ALLOCATION GUIDELINES MSNBC. No, you'll never do that.

  8. After a lifetime devoted to avoiding responsibility and accountability — for his lies, his deceptions, his hype, and his cruelty — President Donalds bluff and bluster are powerless as thousands of Americans die and the blame falls, , on his failure to heed the warnings and execute a robust national response. Early in the crisis, Trump said "We have it totally under control. It's one person coming from China. It's going to be just fine." Weeks were wasted and now the price of this fiasco will likely be a loss of life far greater than 9/11 or Hurricane Katrina

    Trump is not qualified to manage anything .

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