
我们为Nintendo Switch提供了许多不同的动物穿越主题配件,为您带来观赏乐趣!

Hori Duraflexi保护器:https://stores.horiusa.com/duraflexi-protector-animal-crossing-new-horizo​​ns-for-nintendo-switch-lite/

Hori Vault案例:https://stores.horiusa.com/vault-case-animal-crossing-new-horizo​​ns-for-nintendo-switch/



汤姆·努克(Tom Nook)和朋友:https://www.amazon.com/Controller-Authentic-Officially-Licensed-Animal-Crossing/dp/B0848PHCYV/ref=sr_1_1?qid=1583511820&sr=8-1&th=1&tag=nlife-20

汤姆·努克(Tom Nook)和团队:https://www.amazon.com/Controller-Authentic-Officially-Licensed-Animal-Crossing/dp/B0848JSM6R/ref=sr_1_2?qid=1583511820&sr=8-2&th=1&tag=nlife-20

设置1:https://www.amazon.com/Controller-Authentic-Officially-not-machine-specific/dp/B0848JWH3P/ref=sr_1_7?&qid = 1583511820&sr = 8-7&tag = nlife-20

设置2:https://www.amazon.com/Controller-Authentic-Officially-not-machine-specific/dp/B0848P66LH/ref=sr_1_5?&qid = 1583511820&sr = 8-5&tag = nlife-20



#AnimalCrossing #NewHorizo​​ns #NintendoSwitch。

  1. My husband bought both the Reese and Cyrus amiibos for $5… I should have bought more of them then, knowing full well there would be a new A.C game. I got Isabelle and Digby packaged with the Wii- U game for $30 Canadian off Amazon recently. Didn't care about the game, but Isabelle was going for $30 on her own so I thought, meh, why not?

    As for the cards, don't fall prey to re-sellers, Nintendo has every intention of restocking those, so they will be pretty common soon.

  2. If Nintendo made special docks with their franchises on them, they would sell super well! Many people would be ok with buying a new doc with a design on it, but would otherwise pass on a new switch. Missed opportunity.

  3. I picked up the new system regardless, and got the AC Edition. ?? I saved my money for it, and gave my old switch to my boyfriend. But I do want that thick carrying case, and I love the decals. ❤️

  4. 0:28 or C: You’re a child who doesn’t have a switch, and nobody will buy one for you, and you don’t have enough money yourself, bc you’re a small 14 year old child.
    At least in my case.

  5. Nintendo: lets close our shop cuz corona virus


    Me: everyone is sold out and there is coronavirus Just Buy The Accesssories Nintendo Life What He Say

    Nintendo Life: … ok ?

    Me Again: ok 🙂

  6. Hello there fellow fans, I am currently saving for a Nintendo Switch.I am a student and I saved for it for about a year but then something went wrong with the travelling system so I had to pay 3 months to get to school. I'm all the way back to saving again ;-;. Idk if you guys would like to help me but it would sure make me really happy. Here's the link: gf.me/u/xvh8p8

  7. i wanna buy the new switch and can justify it with two reasons, but still won't get it, the reasons are, a) its a "redbox" switch so it has the batter battery life, and b) i've been wanting a new dock, and it comes with a cool one

  8. Hi! I'm new to your channel (I just came from the review of the Animal Crossing switch) and I must say, I love how calm you are when explaining and review the products! Many YouTubers I subscribe to can be too overzealous and it can be painful to watch. Keep up the good work!

  9. I’ve wanted a Nintendo switch for over a year but I haven’t been able to afford it. The new animal crossing made me so jealous of everyone who could get it cause I love animal crossing

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