
他们获取了您的数据。然后他们接管了。巨大的黑客通过爆炸性的Cambridge Analytica / Facebook数据丑闻两面的玩家的引人入胜的个人旅程,揭示了数据利用的黑暗世界。 7月24日在部分剧院和Netflix上映。

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探索名为Cambridge Analytica的数据公司如何在2016年美国总统大选后象征社交媒体的阴暗面。 。

  1. I like how we willingly give them our information and then question them about what they do with it. If you don't want to be tracked, don't use those services, as simple as that. Don't complain about them using your information against you. You did this to yourself. It's your mistake. The only problem here is that most people are dumb and that is exactly what corporates take advantage of. That's the truth. Let that sink in.

  2. I absolutely love this film. It's a big fat "I Told You So" from those in the intelligence community who all KNEW what Facebook was from it's inception. At it's best, it's a great platform to keep in touch with friends & family. At it's worst…bedlam. But, I ask you, dear reader, apart from the use of the internet, what did FB or Cambridge Analytica actually do that was any different from what advertisers, politicians, political consultants, governments and armies have done in the past? That's right. Nothing. Oh, ,sure…perhaps they made it easier to sell stuff, campaign for elected office, govern and wage war. But, the last time I looked, none of which are illegal. So, if the only difference was ease of use, then…these companies should be praised, no? Well…I'll you decide that for yourselves. But, I will leave you with this one final question…Would this film had been made if Clinton had won the 2016 election???

  3. The left wing owns the main stream MEDIA, SOCIAL MEDIA, and hollywood: ironically ALL THE POLITICAL MOVIES AND NEWS are all against the RIGHT WING political side –> let that sink in on those thick skull lmao

  4. CA is like the "it ain't an epidemic until it hits the suburbs" stage after SCL. If you want the real story, go to the inner cities- in the MENA region.

  5. I just now finished the documentary but I honestly am not convinced that this is important so much for me or many people really. Sure, it's good that we hold these companies accountable, but our problems are many times not external in life, they're internal. How do you treat your friends? How do you treat a person with a disability? How do you treat animals? How do you deal with criticism? How do you make the world a better place? These are the real issues we face, not some company that uses our data to influence elections. I think we try to blame the government and companies because they're easy targets, but that's much easier to do than blame ourselves and others in everyday life.

  6. It seems like an overexaggerated drama film, but this is our reality behind the scenes.
    That's why I'll never post sensitive data on ANY social media.

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  8. the truth is that you get something from using facebook, google etc. you get social credibility and exposure which means that most people will watch this documentary and agree that it is terrible, risky and Orwellian but will keep using these companies because to reject them would be damaging to their social lives and careers. It's more than just a choice it's a physical pain when you break from your social milieu (by refusing the use the products, like netflix that everyone else is using because of your principles) and governments / corporations use this against people to control them. if you dont want the orwellian dictatorship you need to make a choice: keep your facebook profile and do business with google or abandon these companies by not using them.

  9. Watched just the first 20 minutes because it is a self-propaganda made documentary, exact the same manipulation technics are used to vote the opposite, but they are just loosers. What they now do is crying like babies with this documentary. I just feel sadness for them, not having control and try to direct people with this kind of durty manipulation (manipulation by exposing manipulation) you have nothing better ? you make it worse.

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  11. Boring as hell. After almost two hours one still doesn't know what the docu is really about.
    Liberal fckup. Like in real life. Playing moral judgement on people who think different. Well u know what? You guys own the MSM. Globally. And things didn't work out as you planned. Trump happened. Bolsonaro happened. Brexit happened. Stop whining and move.thefck.on

    You're pathetic.

  12. for somebody to manipulate you, you should be open to manipulation also, so at the end it's your fault. Nobody points a gun at you to use Facebook.

  13. Waaa! Cambridge Analytica influenced people who use Facebook to vote Brexit and Trump..!
    But isn't the #1 demographic who use Facebook millennials… who voted Remain and Hillary?
    Didn't Remain bombard voters with a huge (ongoing) mainstream propaganda machine campaign?
    Don't the left run similar operations and are just using CA as a scapegoat that voters rejected them?

  14. I unplugged FB awhile back. Drained the swamp from my life. I read the news from more than one source, watch PBS Newshour and listen to NPR. I don't need to shower daily in fecal matter vis a vis FB.

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  16. People who regularly consume every information on internet know that you don't have to believe in what you see on internet unless you check that information out in other reliable sources. It is not easy to pull my leg when it comes to seeing fake news on internet.

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  18. Movie in a nutshell: Absolutely everything you do online is catalogued and sold to people who can then use it to manipulate you to do what they want, think what they want, and VOTE FOR who they want. Be afraid. Be scared. Be angry.

  19. yup, ain't nothing new they've been psychographic profiling for us years collecting our digital DNA as long as I'm clean i ain't got nothing to hide.

  20. Funny how people were outraged that trump used cambridge analytica it yet Obama used it through his whole presidency and no one says a word.

  21. Beginning of this documentary is incorrect, It has already been proven that they do in fact record it a listen to the microphone. This was exposed through various investigative reporters and was acknowledg'd I believe in front of a congressional hearing.

    It is not just a matter of an algorithm collecting habits and making a prediction, it very much is listening to a conversation. Pretty unnerving, considering your most intimate personal moments could be listened in on.
    Take the incorrect claims within the movie, along with the overt political bias with an obvious agenda, and this movie was a total flop.

    It was released in July of 2019, and with all the absurd boogie man political claims in it, It shows how misleading and false much of the claims and information in it are.
    The Muller report came out in April of the same year, 2 months after the release of this movie, and since more and more has been coming out, we now know much of the claims that were made during the filming of this movie have since been completely debunked and proven false.

    It would be nice to see them actually spend time to cover something of real substance, Rather than regurgitate this constant bogey man hypothesis of trying to explain away the loss caused by the 2016 election.

    They just can't accept the outcome, there has to be some sort of "boogie man" behind the scenes pulling the strings. I
    n reality, Hillary was a terrible, horrible candidate, plain and simple.

  22. As movies garbage. I put it on, and began watching with interests as they raised questions regarding abuse of Tech companies and exploitation of personal data.
    Didn't quickly turned into nothing but an anti-Brexit/Trump, political boogeyman man Conspiratorial film.

    It's unbelievable how the establishment continues to churn out this garbage.
    But then again, it's not surprising considering Netflix has the Obama's as well as former Obama administration personnel on the Board of Netflix.

    We're finding out now that the Obama administration was involved with illegal wiretapping of political opponents as well as abusing the powers of the IRS, to go after political enemies, and the Obamas, as well as some of the same people that were involved in these corrupt actions, are now sitting on the board of Netflix, controlling content.

    Do we get? More one sided propaganda.

    Netflix would never dare come out with documentaries exposing the real truth on the very people they hired sit on their board.
    What's amazing, is they made this entire film taking something of no real evidence, and then twisting conjecture into theories as if fact.
    Meanwhile real evidence comes out showing a corrupt intelligence community, working with opposition political parties to create false dossiers and create false crimes to throw accusations the other way. You have proven cases of fabrication in an attempt to control and manipulate the populace, no different that any false flag that ever had been.

    The Russian collusion hoax has shown that they will lie, cheat and steal to get what they want, and meanwhile we have absurd documentaries like this coming out.
    Of course, much of these facts have come out after this movie was filmed, but it shows you just how incorrect and misleading this movie was based on so much of the claims in and have now been proven false.

    More of the same dishonesty.

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