魔兽世界BFA:血战结局过场动画 [Alliance & Horde] -8.3佐斯的异象

魔兽世界BFA:血战结局过场动画 [Alliance & Horde]。 8.3年,在恩佐斯(N’zoth)战败和第四次战争结束之后,联盟与部落签署了和平条约。泰兰德想让希尔瓦娜斯用血偿。洛瑟玛和萨尔创建了一个议会,而不是选举酋长。

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瑞奇·祖佩尔(Ricky Zulpel)
-塔纳西·哈利姆(Thanasi Halim)





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  1. And here we are. The big champion of Azeroth. Wo fight dragons, demons, slayer of gods. We get far from the time we were just a adventurer.
    I understand why people miss that time.
    Even in BfA.
    We came from the war against the burning Legion. We defeat armys of demons and fight powerfull enemies.
    And in BfA we must fight hard to defeat some normal pirats. Lol.

  2. Don't worry alliance fans she get a Stern talking-to like Jania did after she slaughtered all those blood elves in Dalaran

    Or they ignore it like they did when graymain attack forsaken fleet during a time of peace

  3. Genn and Tyrande are completely right. The Horde has started 5 separate wars in the span of a single generation. It's not the leader that's the issue; it's the fact that the union largely consists out of primitive savages and bloodthirsty warmongers. A sensible Alliance would have wiped them off the face of Azeroth by now.

  4. I remember how I felt when Teldrassil burned, and at the end of the expansion, I do not feel like that was resolved. I might never get an answer from sylvanas as to exactly why– but I would feel really satisfied if whatever weapon I was wielding found her dusty heart and rent it to ribbons. I think that Tyrande was justified in her anger, and she, too, needs an answer in order to come to terms with the peace.

  5. This is so retarded, bro there is literally a giant sword in our planet witch caused everything in the first place. The world cried in pain because of the sword and not the old gods (at that time N'zoth was still in his prison…) wtf. Why are we not doing anything about this massiv dildo lmao. :DD

  6. Tbh the reason I am still watching these cinematics and cutscenes is because I want more epic Malfurion. Probably the most baddass character out there, and they are giving us nothing.

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