杰弗里·赖特(Jeffrey Wright)和阿什顿·桑德斯(Ashton Sanders)主演的《整天一夜》官方预告片|奈飞

一部由《黑豹》合著者乔·罗伯特·科尔(Joe Robert Cole)执导的精彩而坚定的戏剧,由阿什顿·桑德斯(Ashton Sanders)(月光),杰弗里·怀特(Jeffrey Wright)(西方世界),以赛亚·约翰(Isaiah John)主演。

  1. I am digging the film but can the hood genre die already? Not every black person is in the hood out in these streets. Itd be cool to see a film where it's just some black kid as the main character coming of age in a regular high school setting and getting his heartbroken or learning something about himself and gaining new perspective on life. White movie writers do the shit all the time. I've seen so many awkward girl, charismatic nerd, more than meets the eye jock, etc type main characters. Why cant black filmmakers do the same?

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