
索尼正式发布了名为“ DualSense”的PlayStation 5控制器。这是什么,对PS5意味着什么?让我们快速看一下。


  1. Some of this sounds really interesting. Some of this we've seen before (similar vibration tech in XB1 controller)
    Too much? Not enough? Ugly? Cool? Let us know!

  2. I'm glad they added some bulk to it and the curved outer edge. It will feel nicer in the hand for sure. One thing Xbox controllers always won me over with was the feel in the hand. However, the fact that they always had to use batteries or you had to buy a separate recharge pack for them really pissed me off and made me think that someone at Microsoft had shares in a battery manufacturer or a mine. lol

  3. Hopfully that controler can be used with windows PC's. I hate the fact that fascist microsoft uses it's influence so now you can only play pc games with the x-box controler.

  4. Man I loved the general playstation controllers, one of the reason I never got into xbox is I cannot stand to play with those controllers, they feel clunky, big and uncomfterable. Them going with this design kinda blows for me personally

  5. I have been a true PlayStation fan sense day 1 and now I can say that this controller looks super ugly as long as they let us use a different controller we straight

  6. does anyone have that thing where: when u walk away from the controller for a period of time that the lights dim but if you aprouch it the light goes full again like it knows that you are coming

  7. Literally this is “Shockingly”Amazing.I love this new controller.I might switch completely from playing both Xbox and Ps5 to ps5.Come on Xbox show me what you got

  8. Looks like some sort of special edition R2D2 controller. Still no batteries? That sucks!!! I just bought my third controller for PS4. Buying a new controller SUCKS when the battery will only last 30 minutes tops but everything else works great!!!

  9. Mic slot directly in the centre, should of been like this on Dualshock… Hopefully the altered triggers feel better as the dualshocks are awful. Surprised not to see extra buttons as the gaming community has become so competitive, people are at an unfair disadvantage with all the third party controllers. They should be wanting to put these small companies out of business for how much they charge. Its possible to use your left & right index fingers to press the top of the middle touch pad on a dualshock so extra buttons in these places with easier access would give 2 new buttons. This is mainly directed towards Fortnite because the whole cross platform play has put people at an unfair disadvantage & Fortnite is FREE to play on PS

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