我在Google PageSpeed上获得了100分! [Random Guy Speeds up my site PART 2]

我终于在Google Pagespeed上达到了100。另一个随机的人帮助我实现了这一目标,在此视频中,我解释了发生了什么以及他对我的网站bestroofbox.com进行了哪些更改

与Adnan联系:[email protected]


Bestroofbox.com播放列表:https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list = PLOnRcB5hR6gLL_HAeU_LDOcxt76XOP8JK

#wordpress #pagespeed。

  1. Hi. can someone tell me where should i put multiple affiliate links?! can someone give me an idea or link of website where multiple affiliate shop links got used so i can get the idea about where and how to place correctly those links of same product. Thanks

  2. Hey love from India , I just want to know how can I optimize footer area just like you wp base theme and how can I add latest guides and articles in homepage
    Is there any plugin to add latest articles in homepage

  3. Just bought WP Rocket before your video, and together with Shortpixel. The effects are amazing! GTmetrix score is 99, and YSlow is 96. also use the free CDN of cloudflare. These are three must have account for speeding up my website. Could you talk more about CDN available and webp image format?

  4. Thought I knew it all when you released your first video. Got a15 point improvement on GT Metrix after watching that. Maybe this new video will help take the sting out of the Amazon shenanigans. Thanks for your high quality videos!

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